Zo‘riqishni kamaytirish: Material deformatsiyasi
davomida zo‘riqishni sekin-asta
Rigel – gorizontalnыy ili naklonnыy
element karkasa zdaniy ili
soorujeniya, faxverka, ramы.
Rigel - horizontal or inclined
frame elements of the building
or structure, fatchwork, frame.
Rigel: Bino va inshootlardagi
gorizontal yoki
Rukovodstvo – material,
soderjaщiy vspomogatelnыe
dannыe dlya proektirovaniya i
stroitelstva i vыpuskaemыy
veduщimi ispolnitelyami –
razrabotchikami proektov
normativnыx dokumentov (kak
pravilo, glav SNiP).
Guide - material containing
auxiliary data for the design and
construction, and manufactured
by the leading performers - the
developers of regulatory
documents (usually the heads of
Qo‘llanma: Qurilish va
loyixalashga oid qo‘shimcha
ma’lumotlarni o‘ziga olgan va
etakchi ijrochilar
tomonidannormativ xujjatlar
loyixalarini ishlab
chiquvchilar tomonidan nashr
etilgan material.
Seysmostoykost – sposobnost
zdaniy i soorujeniy protivostoyat
seysmicheskim vozdeystviyam bez
poteri ekspluatatsionnыx kachestv.
Seismic resistance - the ability
of buildings to withstand
seismic influences without loss
of performance.
Seymochidamlik: Bino va
inshootlarni er qimirlashiga
Serdsevina — sentralnaya chast
stvola dereva.
The core - the central part of the
tree trunk.
O‘zak: Daraxt tanasini o‘rta
Sertifikat – dokument
Certificate - the manufacturer's
Sertifikat: Standart yoki
texnik asosida
izgotovitelya, podtverjdayuщiy
sootvetstvie izgotovlennыx
materialov (izdeliy, konstruksiy)
standartam ili texnicheskim
document confirming that the
produced materials (products,
designs) standards or
materiallar (buyumlar,
konstruksiyalar) korxona
Sikkativы — materialы,
uskoryayuщie otverdevanie
maslyanыx krasok, olif.
Driers - materials that
accelerate the solidification of
oil paints, varnishes.