Actual problems of infectious diseases and hiv infection

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Actual problems of infectious diseases and HIV infection

  1. Drug of choice for cholera prophylaxis is:

    1. *oxytetracycline

    2. chloramphenicol

    3. erythromycin

    4. penicillin

    5. none of these

  2. The function of glucose in ORS (oral rehydration solution):

    1. increase Na+ absorption by Co-transport

    2. gives sweet taste to ORS

    3. increase osmalality of ORS

    4. *increase Na+ K- pump activity

    5. increase Ca+ absorption

  3. El-Tor vibrio may be differentiated from classical vibrio by the fact that El-Tor vibrio:

    1. agglutinate chicken and sheep RBC

    2. resistant to classical phage IV

    3. resistant to polymixin B-5 unit disc

    4. *all of the above

    5. none of these

  4. Chemo-prophylaxis for cholera is administrating:

    1. *doxycycline 300 mg once

    2. metrogyl 400 mg 3 tablets

    3. vancomycin 1 mg stat

    4. kanamycin 500 mg stat

    5. lincomycin 1 g

  5. The average incubation period of cholera is:

    1. 24 hours

    2. *48 hours

    3. 72 hours

    4. 96 hours

    5. 12 hours

  6. Which is not essential in cholera epidemic:

    1. notification

    2. oral rehydration therapy and tetracycline

    3. chlorination of well every week

    4. *isolation

    5. chemo-prophylaxis

  7. Oral rehydration therapy does not contain:

    1. sodium chloride

    2. *calcium lactate

    3. bicarbonate

    4. glucose

    5. none of these

  8. Best method to treat diarrhoea in child is:

    1. intra venous fluide

    2. *ORS

    3. antibiotics

    4. bowel binders

    5. lavage of stomach

  9. ORS contains how much potassium:

    1. *20

    2. 30

    3. 40

    4. 10

    5. 50

  10. Certificate to cholera vaccination is valid after:

    1. 5 days

    2. *10 days

    3. 15 days

    4. 20 days

    5. 25 days

  11. Drug of choice for treating cholera in a pregnant women is:

    1. tetracycline

    2. doxycycline

    3. *furazolidone

    4. cotrimoxozole

    5. none of these

  12. Best emergency sanitary measure to control cholera is:

    1. disinfection of stool

    2. mass vaccination

    3. *provision of chlorinated water

    4. chemoprophylaxis

    5. none of these

  13. Drug of choice in cholera treatment is:

    1. *tetracycline

    2. sulphadiazine

    3. erythromycin

    4. ampicillin

    5. none of these

  14. A contact carrier in cholera has following characteristic:

    1. gall bladder is infected

    2. stool is not positive for vibrio cholera

    3. does not play any role in spread of infection

    4. *duration of carrier state is less than 10 days

    5. none of these

  15. Quantity of NaCl in an ORS packet for making 1 litre of oral rehydration fluid is:

    1. *3,5 gram

    2. 2,5 gram

    3. 1,5 gram

    4. 2 gram

    5. 3 gram

  16. A freshly prepared oral rehydration solution should not be used after:

    1. 4 hours

    2. 6 hours

    3. 12 hours

    4. *24 hours

    5. 48 hours

  17. Regarding cholera vaccine which one of following is true:

    1. it is given at interval of 6 months

    2. long lasting immunity

    3. not useful in epidemics

    4. *not given orally

    5. is high effective

  18. ORS rehydration fluid does not contain:

    1. NaCl

    2. *calcium lactate

    3. bicarbonate

    4. glucose

    5. none of these

  19. What is the transport medium for cholera:

    1. tellurinate medium

    2. chacko-nair medium

    3. *venkatraman-ramakrishna medium

    4. Mc-Leods medium

    5. none of these

  20. Which of the following about cholera is true:

    1. inavasive

    2. endotoxin is released

    3. *vibriocidal antibody titre measure prevalence

    4. all of these

    5. none of these

  21. Vibrio cholera was discovered by:

    1. *Koch

    2. Mechnicov

    3. Johnsnow

    4. Virchow

    5. Jenner

  22. The characteristic feature of El-Tor cholera are all except:

    1. more of subclinical cases

    2. mortality is less

    3. *secondary attack rate is high in family

    4. El-Tor vibrio is harder and able to survive longer

    5. severity is less

  23. The growth factor required for growth of vibrio paraheamolyticus is:

    1. *saline

    2. tryptophan

    3. bile

    4. citrate

    5. sugar

  24. True about vibrio cholera is:

    1. *very resistant to alkaline PH

    2. nutritionally fastidious

    3. best growth at 24 oC

    4. rod shaped bacilli

    5. all of these

  25. The following are true about vibrio cholera except:

    1. *produces indole and reduces nitrares

    2. dies rapidly at low temperature

    3. synthesises neuraminidases

    4. vaccine confirms long immunity

    5. none of these

  26. True about epidemiology of cholera is:

    1. *chemoprophylaxis is not effective

    2. boiling of water can’t destroy organism

    3. food can transport disease

    4. vaccination give 90 % protection

    5. rehydration is not effective

  27. What percentage of fluid loss will be in IV degree of dehydration?

    1. 4-8 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 3-6 % of body weight

    4. *Over 10 % of body weight

    5. Over 15 % of body weight

  28. At what percent of fluid loss will be I degree of dehydration?

    1. *3-6 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 1-3 % of body weight

    4. 0,5-2 % of body weight

    5. 2-7 % of body weight

  29. At I degree of dehydration the loss of liquid is:

    1. 0,5-1,5 % of body weight

    2. 6-9 % of body weight

    3. 3-6 % of body weight

    4. 5-8 % of body weight

    5. *1-3 % of body weight

  30. At what percent of fluid loss will be II degree of dehydration?

    1. 3-6 % of body weight

    2. Over 10 % of body weight

    3. *6-9 % of body weight

    4. 4-8 % of body weight

    5. 10-15 % of body weight

  31. At what degree of dehydration, there will be “metabolic violation”:

    1. Subcompensated

    2. *Negative

    3. Irreversible

    4. Moderate metabolic acidosis

    5. Insignificant metabolic alkalosis

  32. What time is it necessary to complete primary rehydration at dehydration shock?

    1. 3-5 hrs

    2. 0.5 hrs

    3. 2-3 hrs

    4. *1-1.5 hrs

    5. 4-6 hrs

  33. What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. *Rehydron

    2. Acesalt

    3. Khlosalt

    4. Kvartasalt

    5. Lactosalt

  34. What from the below mentioned preparations, can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. Acesalt

    2. Trisalt

    3. *Oralit

    4. Cryoplasma

    5. Lactosalt

  35. What from the below mentioned preparations can be used for the treatment of primary rehydration?

    1. Lactosalt

    2. *Disalt

    3. Acesalt

    4. Trisalt

    5. Khlosalt

  36. What clinically atypical forms of cholera do you know?

    1. *Very rapid of the children and elderly persons

    2. “Choleric typhoid”, acute subclinical, for the children and elderly persons

    3. Dry, very rapid, “choleric typhoid”, subclinical for the children and elderly persons

    4. Very rapid “choleric typhoid”, acute, subclinical, for the children and elderly persons

  37. In a settlement was found out a few cases of cholerA. Who must be insulated?

    1. with dysfunction of intestine

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. Carriers

    4. *Persons contact with the sick patient

    5. Persons with hyperthermia

  38. Who must be admitted in the hospital from the focus of cholera?

    1. Carriers

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. *Persons with dysfunction of intestine

    4. Contact persons

    5. Persons with high temperature

  39. In the break out of cholera it is necessary to carry out such measures, except:

    1. Hyper chlorination of drinking water

    2. An active discovery of patients by rounds

    3. Obligatory hospitalization, inspection and treatment of patients and vibrio tests

    4. Revealing and isolation of contact persons

    5. *Vaccine prophylaxis

  40. With the purpose of specific prophylaxis of cholera is used:

    1. *Cholerogen-toxoid

    2. Vaccine

    3. Nitrofuranes

    4. Immunoprotein

    5. Antibiotics

  41. In the different places of settlement found out a few cases of disease of cholerA. Who from the contacts of cholera patient is sent in an insulator?

    1. Vibrio positive

    2. Patients with cholera

    3. *Contact with the patient persons

    4. Persons with dysfunction of intestine

    5. Persons with high temperature

  42. Which from the below is a complication of cholera?

    1. Collapse

    2. Infectious-toxic shock

    3. Acute renal insufficiency

    4. *Dehydration shock

    5. Status typhosis

  43. What salt solutions do not contain potassium?

    1. Trisalt

    2. Lactosalt

    3. *Disalt

    4. Qudrosalt

    5. Khlosalt

  44. For the rehydration in dehydration shock it is necessary to conduct the permanent careful account of all losses of liquid in each:

    1. 4 hrs

    2. 30 hrs

    3. 3 hrs

    4. *2 hrs

    5. 5 hrs

  45. In 1 liter of Trisalt solution, the concentration of potassium chloride is:

    1. 3 g/l

    2. 1.5 g/l

    3. *1.0 g/l

    4. 2 g/l

    5. 2.5 g/l

  46. The essential therapy for cholera is.

    1. Diet

    2. Antibacterial preparations

    3. Correction of dysbacteriosis

    4. Desintoxication

    5. *Primary rehydration

  47. The main principle of therapy for re-hydration in cholera is.

    1. Determining the definitive degree of dehydration from clinical data

    2. Amount of lost liquid which was preceded at time of hospitalization

    3. Application of isotonic polyglucal solution

    4. Simultaneous introduction of liquid in more than one vessel

    5. *All are correct

  48. Duration of therapy of primary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. 30 minutes

    2. *2 hours

    3. 6 hours

    4. 12 hours

    5. 1 days

  49. Amount of solutions necessary for the primary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. *Accordingly to the degree of dehydration at time of hospitalization

    2. In accordance with the loss of liquid

    3. 2 l

    4. 5 l

    5. 10 l

  50. Amount of solutions necessary for the secondary rehydration in cholera is.

    1. *Accordingly to the degree of dehydration at the time of hospitalization

    2. In accordance with the loss of liquid

    3. 2 l

    4. 5 l

    5. 10 l

  51. What from is the given measures during the secondary rehydration?

    1. Determining degree of dehydration from clinical data

    2. Amount of lost liquid, which was preceded at the time of hospitalization

    3. Application of isotonic crystalloid solutions

    4. Simultaneous introduction of liquid in a few vessels

    5. *Amount of liquid loss

  52. What solutions must be applied for compensatory rehydration in cholera?

    1. Colloid

    2. Hypertensive epitonic polyionic crystalloid

    3. *Isotonic polyionic crystalloid

    4. Reosorbilact

    5. Isotonic solution of glucose

  53. Method of etiotropic therapy of cholera is.

    1. Glucocorticoids

    2. Antiviral

    3. *Antibiotics

    4. Rehydration

    5. Vaccine

  54. In the different places of settlement it is found out a few cases of cholerA. Who from such place is directed to an insulator?

    1. Patients with a cholera

    2. Transmitters

    3. *Persons who had contact with the patient

    4. Persons with dysfunction of gastro-intestinal tract

    5. Persons who left the place on infection

  55. For cholera prophylaxis drug is:

    1. erythromycin

    2. ampicillin

    3. *tetracycline

    4. biseptol

    5. penicillin

  56. What mechanism is typical for salmonellosis.

    1. *Fecal-oral

    2. Contact

    3. Transmissive

    4. Air-drop

    5. All possible

  57. In order to prevent salmonellosis should be.

    1. Disinfection

    2. Vaccination

    3. Chemoprophylaxis

    4. *Sanitary and epidemiological control over food

    5. All these measures are not undertaken

  58. What group of infectious diseases salmonellosis belong to?

    1. Sapronoz

    2. *Zoonosis

    3. Antroponoz

    4. Zooantroponoz

    5. The group is not defined

  59. Salmonella is classified by.

    1. *O-antigen and H-antigen

    2. O-antigen and Vi-antigen

    3. H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    4. O-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. O-antigen, H-antigen, Vi-antigen and HBsAg

  60. What salmonella is adapted to humans.

    1. *S. typhi

    2. S. newport

    3. S. cholerae-suis

    4. S. abortus-ovis

    5. S. gallinarum-pullorum

  61. What is the level of morbidity of salmonellosis nowadays in Ukraine.

    1. Not registered

    2. Epidemic

    3. *Sporadic

    4. Annual outbreaks

    5. In endemic focus only

  1. How often chronic carriering formed after salmonellosis.

    1. Not formed

    2. *in 0,1-1 %

    3. in 8-10 %

    4. in 20-30 %

    5. in 50-80 %

  2. The source of agent in salmonellosis is.

    1. Cats

    2. *Farm animals

    3. Rodents

    4. Soil

    5. Feces of patients

  3. Greatest epidemiological role in spreding of salmonella belong to.

    1. *Cattle

    2. Gray rats

    3. Mice

    4. Fish

    5. Man

  4. What is mechanism of transmission of salmonellosis.

    1. Vertical

    2. Parenteral

    3. Air-drop

    4. Contact

    5. *Fecal-oral

  5. What is most important factor in salmonellosis transmission.

    1. Boiled meat

    2. Fish

    3. Water

    4. Sex

    5. *Eggs

  6. What route of transmission is not inherent to Salmonella typhimurium.

    1. Milk

    2. Contact home

    3. Water

    4. *Sex

    5. Food

  7. What typical dietary factor in spreading of salmonellosis.

    1. Juices

    2. Alcohol

    3. *Meat products

    4. Salad

    5. Water

  8. What season is typical for salmonellosis.

    1. Spring

    2. Winter and spring

    3. Autumn

    4. Winter

    5. *Summer-autumn

  9. What is the kind of immunity after salmonellosis.

    1. Inheredited

    2. *Type specific

    3. Short term

    4. Not formed

    5. Passive

  10. What type of outbreaks appear in salmonellosis.

    1. Water

    2. Home

    3. Farm

    4. *Food

    5. Milk

  11. What preventive and antepidemic activities in salmonella focused on the first link of epidemic process.

    1. *Veterinarian measures

    2. Revealing, hospitalization and treatment of sick people

    3. Systematic sanitary-hygienic control

    4. Disinfection

    5. Vaccination

  12. The rules of discharging of salmonellosis patients from a hospital .

    1. One-time negative bacteriological investigation of stool

    2. *Three negative bacteriological investigation of stool

    3. 14 days normal body temperature and the double negative bacteriological study stool and urine

    4. Clinical recovery and normalization rectomanoscopy picture

    5. Normalization rectomanoscopy picture and in the absence of antiserum to RNGA

  13. Demands according more than 3 months salmonella carrier who are working in food production.

    1. Dyspanserization

    2. Recently released from work

    3. Rehospitalization

    4. *Do not allow to work

    5. Do nothing

  14. All laboratory and instrumental tests are needed to confirming the diagnosis of food poisoning, except:

    1. *General blood analysis

    2. Coprogram

    3. Occupied emptying

    4. Occupied sources

    5. Serum researches with the autoculture of substance

  15. The etiologic diagnosis of acute intestinal infections can be confirmed thus, except for:

    1. Separation of pathogen from patients and from remainder of suspicious product

    2. To obtain identical cultures of bacteria from a few patients from those which consumed that meal

    3. *Separation of identical cultures from different materials (washings, vomiting mass, excrement) at one patient at the bacterial semination them no less than 105/g and diminishing of this index in the process of convalescence

    4. Presence at the selected culture of Escherichia’s and staphylococcus enterotoxin

    5. Positive agglutination reaction or other immunological reactions with autoshtames of possible pathogen, which testify to growth of title of antibodies on the blood serum of patient in the dynamics of disease

  16. What is necessary for bacteriological confirmation of clostridial gastroenterocolitis diagnosis?

    1. Endo‘s medium, thermostat

    2. Ploskirev‘s medium and blood agar

    3. Blaurock‘s medium, thermostat

    4. Endo‘s medium, anaerostat

    5. *Blaurock‘s media, anaerostat

  17. Which from the listed products can become the causal factor of toxic food-borne infection?

    1. Decorative cakes

    2. *Galantine

    3. Cheese

    4. Fresh bread

    5. Tea

  18. What inoculums material should be taken to discharge the toxins?

    1. *Suspected food

    2. Urine

    3. Stool

    4. Vomiting mass

    5. Medullar

  19. What is the duration of incubation period in food poisoning?

    1. *2 hours – 24 hours

    2. 3 days

    3. 1 week

    4. 1 month

    5. 1 years

  20. What methods can confirm the diagnosis of food poisoning?

    1. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the urine

    2. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the stool

    3. Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the liquor

    4. *Diagnostic confirmation requires isolating staphyloccocci from the suspected food

    5. All above it

  21. When the specific complication of typhoid fever like intestinal bleeding may appier?

    1. On the 1st week of illness

    2. On the 2nd week of illness

    3. *On the 3rd week of illness

    4. On the 4th week of illness

    5. On the any week of illness

  22. When the specific complication of typhoid fever like perforation of a bowel may appier?

    1. On the 1st week of illness

    2. On the 2nd week of illness

    3. *On the 3rd week of illness

    4. On the 4th week of illness

    5. On the any week of illness

  23. Who is the source of typhoid fever?

    1. *Sick people

    2. Sick agricultural animals

    3. Sick rodents

    4. Soil

    5. Defecating of patients

  24. Salmonella typhi contains:

    1. Only O-antigen and Н-antigen

    2. Only O-antigen and Vi-antigen

    3. Only H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    4. *O-antigen, H-antigen and Vi-antigen

    5. O-antigen, H-antigen, Vi- antigen and HBsAg

  25. When is it possible to stop etiotropic treatment in typhoid fever?

    1. At once after normalization of temperature of body

    2. After normalization of sizes of liver and spleen

    3. After disappearance of roseollas

    4. In 10 days after disappearance of roseollas

    5. *After the 10th day of normalisation of body temperature

  26. By what method is it possible to find out bacterial carriering in typhoid fever?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Indirect hemaglutination test with О-аntigen

    4. Indirect hemaglutination test with a Н-antigen

    5. *Indirect hemaglutination test with a Vi-antigen

  27. Typhoid bacilli are usually cultured from:

    1. *Blood, stool, urine

    2. Blood, urine, sputum

    3. Stool, liquor, urine

    4. Blood, stool, sputum

    5. Stool, liquor, sputum

  28. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 1st week is admitted in the hospital. What examination (laboratory diagnosis) do you suggest for this patient?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Indirect hemaglutination test with О-, Н-, Vi-аntigens

    4. Urinoculture

    5. *Hemoculture

  29. A suspected case of typhoid fever of 3nd week is admitted in the hospital. What examination (laboratory diagnosis) do you suggest for this patient?

    1. Coproculture

    2. Reaction of agglutination of Vidall

    3. Urinoculture

    4. Hemoculture

    5. *All about it

  30. What from the transferred signs is not characteristic for a typhoid rash?

    1. *Papular, disappears together with normalization of temperature of body

    2. Appears on a 7-10th day, roseolla-type

    3. Located mainly on a abdomen and lateral surfaces of trunk, observed at the half of patients

    4. The amount of elements is limited, pours in addition

    5. Roseolla-type, sometimes saved longer than fever

  31. What symptom is not typical for typhoid on the second week of illness?

    1. Constipation

    2. Headache

    3. Fever

    4. Relative bradycardia

    5. *Cramps

  32. What changes in general blood analysis are typical for typhoid fever?

    1. *Leykopenia, aneosiniphilia, lymph-, monocytosis, enhanceable RSE

    2. Leykocytosis, hypereosinophilia, thrombocytosis, enhanceable RSE

    3. Hypochromatic anaemia, leycocytosis, appearance of young forms, RSE is not changed

    4. Hyperchromatic anaemia, leycocytosis, appearance of young forms, enhanceable RSE

    5. Leykopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytosis, enhanceable RSE

  33. What does the diagnostic titre of reaction of Vі-haemaglutination testify to?

    1. *Typhoid bacterial-carrier

    2. Epidemic typhus

    3. Meningococcaemia

    4. Malaria

    5. Brucellosis

  34. What is the duration of observation in typhoid fever?

    1. 14 days

    2. *21 days

    3. 7 days

    4. 30 days

    5. Does not look after

  35. Reconvalescents of typhoid fever may discharged from a clinic after:

    1. Non-permanent negative bacteriologic examination of defecating

    2. *21th day of normal temperature of body and 3-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrement and urine

    3. of 14th day of normal temperature of body and 2-multiple negative bacteriologic examination of excrement and urine

    4. Clinical convalescence and normalization of rectal manoscopic picture

    5. Normalisations of rectal manoscopic picture and in default of title of antibodies in RNGA

  36. In focus of typhoid fever doing, except for:

    1. Thermometry

    2. Coproculture

    3. Vidal reaction

    4. *Haemoculture

    5. Urine culture

  37. What from the adopted ways of transmission is characteristic for typhoid fever?

    1. *Alimentary

    2. Contact

    3. Transmission

    4. Air-drop

    5. Vertical

  38. What environments do typhoid sticks grow on well?

    1. Chicken embryos

    2. water-whey nourishing environment

    3. *Bilious clear soup

    4. Meat-peptone gelose + cistin

    5. To the Bismute-sulfate gelose

  39. Name of the basic factors of pathogen of typhoid stick?

    1. *Vi-antigen and endotoxin

    2. Exotoxin

    3. Vi-antigen

    4. Enzymes of pathogenicity

    5. Endotoxin

  40. Duration of latent period of typhoid fever?

    1. 3-7 days

    2. *9-21 day

    3. From a few hovers to 2-3 days

    4. From 12 to 100 days

    5. From a few hovers to 17 days

  41. The place of reproduction of typhoid bacterium in the organism of human is:

    1. Stomach

    2. *Lymphatic formations of colon

    3. Blood

    4. Bilious ways

    5. Mucous membrane of colon

  42. What from the indicated pathology anatomic phases is not characteristic for typhoid?

    1. *Catarrhal inflammation

    2. Cerebral-type of swelling

    3. Necrosis

    4. Ulcers

    5. Clean ulcers

  43. Food poisoning due to Staphylococcus aureus has an incubation period of:

    1. *1 - 6 hours

    2. 6 – 12 hours

    3. 12 – 18 hour

    4. more then 18 hours

    5. less then 1 hour

  44. Material which should be taken for bacteriological examination in case of food poisoning include:

    1. Suspicion food products

    2. Vomiting mass

    3. Stool of patient

    4. Washing mass

    5. *All of above

  45. The immediate treatment for toxic food borne infection is:

    1. Gastric lavage

    2. Sorbents

    3. Antibiotics

    4. *Both A & B

    5. All of above

  46. Which of the following is not a causative agent of food poisoning:

    1. Staphylococcus aureus

    2. Bacillus cereus

    3. Streptococcus haemoliticus

    4. Clostridium perfringens

    5. *Yersinia pestis

  47. What is the main clinical symptom of food poisoning:

    1. Headache

    2. High fever

    3. Constipation

    4. Diarrhea

    5. *Vomiting

  48. Pathogenesis of food borne infections involves the production of:

    1. *Enterotoxins

    2. Endotoxins

    3. Necrotoxins

    4. All of above

    5. None of above

  49. The following are characteristic features of Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning except:

    1. *Optimum temperature for toxin formation is 37

    2. Intra dietetic toxinns are responsible for intestinal symptoms

    3. Toxins can be destroyed by boiling for 30 min

    4. Incubation period is 1-6 hours

    5. All of above

  50. Differential diagnosis of food poisoning is done with:

    1. Cholera

    2. Shigellosis

    3. Salmonellosis

    4. Rota viral infection

    5. *All of above

  51. Which of the following is frequent complication of food poisoning:

    1. *Acute heard insufficiency

    2. Acute renal insufficiency

    3. Acute lung insufficiency

    4. Acute brain insufficiency

    5. All of above

  52. Etiology agent of botulism is:

    1. Campylobacter

    2. Balantidium coli

    3. *Cl. botulinum

    4. Cl. perfrigens

    5. St. Aureus

  53. What groups of symptoms are occurs in the clinic of botulism?

    1. Vomiting, high temperature

    2. *Dysfunction of speech and vision, breathing, dysphagia

    3. Sickness, general weakness

    4. High temperature, diarrhea, speech dysfunction

    5. Diarrhea, vomiting, dysfunction of vision

  54. What special treatment used in beginning of the botulism?

    1. *Antibiotic therapy

    2. Disintoxication therapy

    3. Hormonal therapy

    4. Sulfonamides therapy

    5. Vaccine therapy

  55. What material should be taken to find botulotoxin?

    1. Stool

    2. Urine

    3. *Blood

    4. Vomiting masses

    5. All above it

  56. What specific treatment used in botulism?

    1. Antibiotic therapy

    2. Disintoxication therapy

    3. Hormonal therapy

    4. *Serum therapy

    5. Vaccine therapy

  57. What is transmissive factor of botulism?

    1. Water

    2. Milk

    3. Air

    4. *Soil

    5. Animals

  58. Drug of choice for sanation of the carriers of amoeba cysts can be.

    1. Monomicyn

    2. Delagil

    3. Tetracycline

    4. *Yatren

    5. Ursosan

  59. What is the duration of clinical reconvalescense in acute amoebiasis.

    1. 3-6 months

    2. 1-3 months

    3. *6-12 months

    4. 12-18 months

    5. 18-24 months

  1. What agent causes balantidiasis.

    1. *B. Coli

    2. B. Enterocolitica

    3. S. Derby

    4. S. Boydi

    5. L. Canicola

  2. What group of pathogens balantidiasis belong to.

    1. Hlamidia

    2. Mycoplasma

    3. *Simplest

    4. Worming

    5. Rickettsiae

  3. Who is the reservour of the causative agent in balantidiasis.

    1. *Pig

    2. Cow

    3. Sheep

    4. Goat

    5. Human

  4. In what disease mucous, erythrocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells and crystals Charcot-Leiden were in stool analysis reveals.

    1. *Intestinal amoebiasis

    2. Intestinal yersiniosis

    3. Shigellosis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Enterohaemorrhagic esherichiosis

  5. What is the main method of taking of material for parasitological examination in case of intestinal amoebiasis.

    1. In the next day of defecation

    2. After processing of desinfectants

    3. *Immediately after the defecation

    4. 1-2 hours after processing with Lyugol solution

    5. 2-3 hours after processing with iron hematoxylin

  6. What is the pathological changes in intestine in balantidiasis.

    1. No changes

    2. Ulcer

    3. *Hyperemia, edema

    4. Edema

    5. Hyperemia without edema

  7. What is the incubation period in balantidiasis.

    1. 7-14 days

    2. 5-10 days

    3. *1-3 months

    4. 1-3 weeks

    5. 3-6 weeks

  8. What complication is typical for balantidiasis.

    1. Intestinal bleeding

    2. Cachexia

    3. Perforated ulcer

    4. Abscess of bowel

    5. *All the above mentioned

  9. What are the stages of life-cycle of balantidium.

    1. Cyst

    2. Vegetative and spore

    3. *Vegetative and cyst

    4. Spore

    5. Vegetative

  10. What is the mechanism of transmision in balantidiasis.

    1. Contact

    2. *Fecal-oral

    3. Air-drop

    4. Transmissive

    5. Vertical

  11. What group of infectious diseases balantidiasis belongs to.

    1. *Intestinal

    2. Blood infection

    3. Sapronosis

    4. External covers

    5. Antroponosis

  12. What clinical forms of balantidiasis most often may appear.

    1. *Mild

    2. Acute

    3. Subclinical

    4. Chronic

    5. All of the above

  13. The complications of balantidiasis can be all except:

    1. Hypochromic anemia

    2. Intestinal bleeding

    3. Perforation ulcers

    4. *Liver abscess

    5. Cachexia

  14. When a patient can be discharged from a hospital after the treatment of balantidiasis?

    1. *After clinical recovering and two negative results of microscopic study of stool

    2. After clinical recovering and two negative results of bacteriological research of stool

    3. After clinical recovering and a negative result microscopic study of stool

    4. After clinical recovering and normalization in the total blood

    5. After clinical recovery, indicators of the overall normalization of blood and two negative results of bacteriological research stool

  15. How long a recoveres after balantidiasis should be observed and followed-up?

    1. 3 months

    2. 6 months

    3. *1 year

    4. 2 years

    5. 5 years

  16. Name the cause of giardiasis:

    1. L. Canicola

    2. B. Coli

    3. *L. Іntestinalis

    4. S. Boidii

    5. L. pomona

  17. For verification of diagnosis balantidiasis use:

    1. Bacterioscopy

    2. Bacteriology

    3. Fluoroexam

    4. *Protozooscopy

    5. USD

  18. Name the cause of amoebiasis.

    1. *E. Histolytica

    2. L. Canicola

    3. S. Derby

    4. S. Boydii

    5. B. Enterocolitica

  19. What is the group of pathogens of amoebiasis?

    1. Mycoplasma

    2. Chlamidai

    3. *The simplest

    4. Rickettsiae

    5. Worms

  20. Who is a source of the causative agents of amoebiasis?

    1. *People

    2. Cows

    3. Sheep

    4. Pigs

    5. Camels

  21. What part of lower GI tract is affected with amoebiasis most often?

    1. *Descending and ascending colon

    2. Sigmoid and rectum

    3. Duodenun and jejunum

    4. Transversal colon

    5. Small intestine

  22. The causative agent of amoebiasis during life cycle can be in any form except:

    1. Mature cyst

    2. Immature cyst

    3. Trophozoit

    4. Quadrinucleate cyst

    5. *Spore

  23. What group pathogenic agents of giardiasis belongs to:

    1. *Simplest

    2. Worming

    3. Rickettsiae

    4. Mycoplasma

    5. Hlamidia

  24. Most of vegitative forms of amoebiasis can be found in stool of:

    1. *Patients with acute intestinal amoebiasis

    2. Reconvalences after acute intestinal amoebiasis

    3. Patients with amebic liver abscesses

    4. Patients with chronic recurrent intestinal amoebiasis in remission stage

    5. All the above

  25. In what form the causative agent of acute intestinal amoebiasis could be found in stool:

    1. Minor vegetative form

    2. Loomenal form

    3. Cyst

    4. *Tissue form

    5. All the above listed forms

  26. What ulcers are specific for amoebiasis:

    1. *Edematose ulcers with undermining, surrounded by aflushing zone located on the intact mucosa

    2. Smooth ulcers with undermining, located on the hyperemic mucosa

    3. Necrotic ulcers, located on the hyperemic mucosa

    4. Edematose ulcers with undermining located on the intact mucosa

    5. Small lesions on the basis of infiltration covered with white coat

  27. What kind of mucous membrane can be found between amoebiatic ulcers of colon:

    1. Hyperemia without edema

    2. Lividity, without edema

    3. Hyperemia, edema

    4. Regular colored edema

    5. *Do not change

  28. What is the duration of incubation period for intestinal amoebiasis:

    1. 3-5 days

    2. 4-6 days

    3. *From 1 week to several months

    4. 1-2 years

    5. From 3 months to 1 year

  29. What are the known clinical forms of amoebiasis, except:

    1. Enteric

    2. Skin

    3. Liver abscess

    4. *Myocarditis

    5. Lung abscess

  30. Intestinal amoebiasis can be characterized by such complications, ecxept:

    1. Amoeboma

    2. Intestinal bleeding

    3. Perforation of ulcers

    4. *Meningitis

    5. Stricture of colon

  31. What is the mechanism of amoebiasis transmission:

    1. Vector borne

    2. *Fecal-oral

    3. Air-dropping

    4. Wound

    5. Vertical

  32. Which group does delagil belong to:

    1. Indirect ant amoeboid

    2. Direct anti amoeboid

    3. *Tissue ant amoeboid

    4. Product with universal effect

    5. Do not belong to any of these groups

  33. How long clinical recovering lasts in acute amoebiasis.

    1. 3-6 months

    2. 1-3 months

    3. *6-12 months

    4. 12-18 months

    5. 18-24 months

  34. Drug of choice for sanation of the carriers of amoeba cysts can be.

    1. Monomicyn

    2. Delagil

    3. Tetracycline

    4. *Yatren

    5. Ursosan

  35. In what disease mucous, erythrocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells and crystals Charcot-Leiden in stool analysis were reveals.

    1. *Intestinal amoebiasis

    2. Intestinal yersiniosis

    3. Shigellosis

    4. Balantidiasis

    5. Enterohaemorrhagic esherichiosis

  36. What is the main method of material taking for parasitological examination in intestinal amoebiasis.

    1. In the next day of defecation

    2. After processing of desinfectants

    3. *1-2 hours after processing with Lyugol solution

    4. Immediately after the defecation

    5. 2-3 hours after processing with iron hematoxylin

  37. Name the cause of amoebiasis.

    1. L. Canicola

    2. *E. Histolytica

    3. S. Derby

    4. S. Boydii

    5. B. enterocolitica

  38. What group of pathogens the agent of amoebiasis belongs to?

    1. Mycoplasma

    2. Chlamidia

    3. *Simplest

    4. Rickettsiae

    5. Worms

  39. What is a source of the causal agent of amoebiasis?

    1. *People

    2. Cows

    3. Sheep

    4. Pigs

    5. Camels

  40. What part of GI tract is affected in amoebiasis most often?

    1. *Descending and ascending colon

    2. Sigmoid and rectum

    3. Doudenum and jejunum

    4. Transversal colon

    5. Small intestine

  41. The causal agent of amoebiasis during life cycle can be in any form except:

    1. Mature cyst

    2. Immature cyst

    3. Trophosoit

    4. Quadrinucleate cyst

    5. *Spore

  42. Most of vegitative forms of amoebiasis can be found in stool of:

    1. Reconvalence acute intestinal amoebiasis

    2. Cystonic after use laxative

    3. *The patient acute intestinal amoebiasis

    4. Patients with chronic recurrent intestinal amoebiasis in remission stage

    5. Patients with amebic liver abscesses

  43. In what form the causative agent is found in stool in acute intestinal amoebiasis:

    1. *Tissue forms

    2. Minor vegetative form

    3. Loomenal form

    4. Cysts

    5. All the above listed forms

  44. What ulcers are specific for amebiasis:

    1. Smooth ulcers with undermining, located on the hyperemic mucosa

    2. Necrotic ulcers, located on the hyperemic mucosa

    3. *Edematose ulcers with undermining, surrounded by aflushing zone located on the intact mucosa

    4. Edematose ulcers with undermining located on the intact mucosa

    5. Small lesions on the basis of infiltration covered with white coat

  45. What kind of ulcers are present at аmebiasis?

    1. Smooth sharp edges, placed on a hyperemic mucus membrane

    2. *Fillings out sharp edges, surrounded by the area of hyperemia, are placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

    3. Even edges, placed on a hyperemic mucus membrane

    4. Fillings out sharp edges, placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

    5. Fillings out sharp edges, surrounded by the area of hyperemia, are placed on the unchanged mucus membrane

  46. What are the known clinical forms of amoebiasis, except:

    1. Enteric

    2. Skin

    3. Liver abscess

    4. *Myocarditis

    5. Lung abscess

  47. When it is possible to discharge the patients after amebiasis from infectious hospital?

    1. *After clinical convalescence, in default of in incandescence of mucous, еosinophils, crystals of Charkot-Leiden and two negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    2. After clinical convalescence, in default of in incandescence of blood and three negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    3. After clinical convalescence, in default of leukocytosis and two negative results of parasitological research of excrements

    4. After clinical convalescence and normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood

    5. After clinical convalescence, normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

  48. How often treatment of cyst amebae carrier should be done?

    1. Three times a year

    2. Once a year

    3. *Twice a year

    4. Do not done

    5. Four times a year

  49. How to increase posibility of lamblia cysts in fresh feces and vegetative forms in duodenal content revealing?

    1. Cultivation in thermostat

    2. By the method of floatation in bilious clear soup

    3. Cultivation in anaerobic chamber

    4. *By the applications of phase-contrast and lumencense microscopy with the help of methylen-orange

    5. To sow on a nourishing environment

  50. What drug is more effective in treatment of giardiasis?

    1. Ursohol

    2. Delagil

    3. *Ornidazol

    4. Tetracyclin

    5. Enteroseptol

  51. What agent causes balantidiasis.

    1. *B. Coli

    2. B. Enterocolitica

    3. S. Derby

    4. S. boydi

    5. L. canicola

  52. What group of pathogens balantidiasis belong to.

    1. Hlamidium

    2. Mycoplasmas

    3. *Simplest

    4. Worming

    5. Rickettsiae

  53. Who is the source in balantidiasis.

    1. *Pig

    2. Cow

    3. Sheep

    4. Goat

    5. Bear

  54. What is the pathological changes in intestine in balantidiasis.

    1. No changes

    2. Ulcer

    3. *Hyperemia, edema

    4. Edema

    5. Hyperemia without edema

  55. What is the incubation period in balantidiasis.

    1. 7-14 days

    2. 5-10 days

    3. 1-3 months

    4. *1-3 weeks

    5. 3-6 weeks

  56. What complication is typical for balantidiasis.

    1. Intestinal bleeding

    2. Cachexia

    3. Perforated ulcer

    4. Abscess of bowel

    5. *All the above mentioned

  57. What are the forms of balantidium.

    1. Cyst

    2. Vegetative and spore

    3. *Vegetative and cyst

    4. Spore

    5. Vegetative

  58. What is the transmissive mechanism in balantidiasis.

    1. Contact

    2. *Fecal-oral

    3. Air-drop

    4. Transmissive

    5. Vertical

  59. What group of infectious diseases balantidiasis belongs to.

    1. *Intestinal

    2. Blood infection

    3. Sapronosis

    4. External covers

    5. Antroponosis

  60. What clinical forms of balantidiasis are seen most often.

    1. Acute

    2. Subclinical

    3. *Mild

    4. Chronic

    5. All of the above

  61. What is the possible complications of balantidiasis, except:

    1. Hypochromic anaemia

    2. Enterorrhagia

    3. Perforation of ulcer

    4. *Abscess of liver

    5. Cachexia

  62. When would you discharge a patient with balandiasis from a hospital?

    1. *After clinical recovery and two negative results of parasitological research of excrement

    2. After clinical recovery and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

    3. After clinical recovery and one negative result of parasitological research of excrement

    4. After clinical recovery and normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood

    5. After clinical recovery, normalization of indexes of global analysis of blood and two negative results of bacteriological examination of excrement

  63. How long does lasts recovering after a balantidiasis?

    1. 6 months

    2. 3 months

    3. *1 year

    4. 2 years

    5. 5 years

  64. With what serum reactions it is possible to confirm the diagnosis of balantidiasis?

    1. *Complement link reaction, reaction in gel precipitation, reaction of immobilization

    2. Reaction of indirect gemagglutination, immune fluorescent reaction

    3. Complement link reaction, reaction of indirect hemagglutination

    4. Complement link reaction, immune fluorescent reaction, reaction of indirect gemagglutination

    5. Complement link reaction, reaction of indirect gemagglutination

  65. What test is more frequently used for verification of balantidias:

    1. Virusological

    2. Bacteriological

    3. X-rays

    4. *Research on protozoa

    5. Ultrasound

  66. The clinical forms of balantidiasis are all, except?

    1. *Mild rapid

    2. Acute

    3. Subclinical

    4. Chronic continues

    5. Chronic recurrent

  67. What group of pathogenic agents giardiasis belongs to?

    1. Worming

    2. *The simplest

    3. Rickettsiae

    4. Mycoplasmas

    5. Hlamidii

  68. What from the given preparations can applied for etiotropic therapy of amebiosis?

    1. Osarsol

    2. Metronidazol

    3. Tetracycline

    4. Delagil

    5. *All are correct

  69. Choose the universal drug for amebiasis treatment.

    1. Osarsol

    2. *Metronidazole

    3. Tetracycline

    4. Delagil

    5. All are correct

  70. What is the mechanism of ascariasis transmission?

    1. Percutaneous

    2. Transmissive

    3. *Fecal-oral

    4. Parenteral

    5. Air-drop

  71. What is the phase of ascariasis pathogenesis?

    1. Bacteremia

    2. *Early (migratory)

    3. Extraintestinal

    4. Toxinemia

    5. Parenchymatous diffusion

  72. What is the phase of ascariasis pathogenesis?

    1. Bacteremia

    2. Toxinemia

    3. Extraintestinal

    4. *Late (intestinal)

    5. Parenchymatous diffusion

  73. What is the epidemiology of enterobiosis?

    1. Zoonosis

    2. Wound helminthiasis

    3. Percutaneous helminthiasis

    4. *Contagious helminthiasis

    5. Transmissive helminthiasis

  74. What is the place of the parazitising of the agent in strongyloidosis?

    1. *Upper sections of a small intestine

    2. Large intestine (sigmoid)

    3. Large intestine (caecum)

    4. Bile ducts

    5. Liver

  75. What is the source on the invasion in enterobiasis?

    1. Wild animals

    2. Dogs, cats

    3. *Humans

    4. Mollusks

    5. Fish

  76. What are the ways of the infection in ancylostomosis?

    1. *Peroral

    2. Parentral

    3. Air-drop

    4. Transmissive

    5. All are corect

  77. What are the main clinical sighs of the early stage of ancylostostomiasis?

    1. Dermatitis (polymorphic rash, itch)

    2. Damage of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, eosinophilic infiltrates)

    3. Fever

    4. Eosinophilia (30-60 %)

    5. *All are corect

  78. What are the principal clinical sighs of the chronic stage of ancylostostomiasis?

    1. Hepasplenomegaly

    2. B 12 deficiency anemia

    3. *Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain (gastroduodenitis)

    4. Fever with attacks in 48 hours

    5. Pericarditis

  79. What are the principal clinical sighs of the chronic stage of ancylostostomiasis?

    1. Constipation, abdominal pain

    2. Hepasplenomegaly

    3. *Iron deficiency anemia

    4. Fever with attacks in 48 hours

    5. Pericarditis

  80. What is epidemiology of strongyloidiasis?

    1. Anthroponosis

    2. Geogelminthiasis

    3. The way of the infection is peroral

    4. The way of the infection is percutaneous

    5. *All right

  81. What are the clinical forms of the late stage of strongyloidiasis?

    1. Gastrointestinal form, allergic-toxic form

    2. Allergic-toxic form, meningoencephalitic form

    3. *Gastrointestinal form, allergic-toxic form, mixed form

    4. Meningeal, meningoencephalitic form

    5. Acute hepatic insufficiency, gastrointestinal form,

  82. What is the agent of pork worm disease?

    1. *Taenia soleum

    2. Hymenolepis nana

    3. Taeniarhynchus saginatus

    4. Trichinella spiralis

    5. Dyphylobotrium latum

  83. What are the principal clinical syndromes in pork worm disease?

    1. Cholestatic syndrome

    2. Renal syndrome

    3. *Dyspeptic syndrome

    4. Meningeal syndrome

    5. Respiratory syndrome

  84. What are the principal clinical syndromes in pork worm disease?

    1. Renal syndrome

    2. Cholestatic syndrome

    3. *General toxic syndrome

    4. Meningeal syndrome

    5. Respiratory syndrome

  85. What is the epidemiology of cystecercosis?

    1. The infection is an endogenic (autoinvasion)

    2. The human is the definitive host

    3. The pigs are an intermediate host

    4. The human is an intermediate host

    5. *All are correct

  86. What methods are used for diagnostics of cystecercosis?

    1. *Ophthalmoscope

    2. Biochemistry methods

    3. Cardiogram

    4. Biological test

    5. Intracutaneous test

  87. What methods are used for diagnostics of cystecercosis?

    1. Cardiogram

    2. Biochemistry methods

    3. *Computer tomography

    4. Biological test

    5. Intracutaneous test

  88. What methods are used for diagnostics of cystecercosis?

    1. Biological test

    2. Biochemistry methods

    3. Cardiogram

    4. *Roentgenograms

    5. Intracutaneous test

  89. What is epidemiology of fascioliasis?

    1. It is anthroponosis

    2. *It is zoonosis

    3. The definitive host is camel and cattle

    4. The intermediate hosts are the pigs

    5. The intermediate hosts are mice

  90. What is epidemiology of fascioliasis?

    1. It is anthroponosis

    2. It is sapronosis

    3. *The definitive host is human and cattle

    4. The intermediate hosts are the pigs

    5. The intermediate hosts are mice

  91. What is epidemiology of fascioliasis?

    1. It is anthroponosis

    2. It is sapronosis

    3. The definitive host is mice and cattle

    4. The intermediate hosts are the pigs

    5. *The intermediate hosts are mollusks

  92. The invasion of the human with Dyphillobotirum latum is possible in use into the food:

    1. *Fresh water fish

    2. Sea fish

    3. Pork

    4. Beef

    5. Milk

  93. What is the duration of the life of the adult forms in echinoccosis?

    1. *It is continued from 6 months till 1 year

    2. It is continued till 1 month

    3. It is continued from 1 year till 3 years

    4. It is continued more than 3 years

    5. It is continued 7 days

  94. What is epidemiology of hymenolepidosis?

    1. It is percutaneous helminthiasis

    2. It is not contagious helminthiasis

    3. *It is peroral helminthiasis

    4. It is transmissive helminthiasis

    5. It is especially dangerous disease

  95. What is epidemiology of hymenolepidosis?

    1. It is not peroral helminthiasis

    2. It is percutaneous helminthiasis

    3. *It is contagious helminthiasis

    4. It is transmissive helminthiasis

    5. It is especially dangerous disease

  96. What is the possible localization of hydatid cyst?

    1. Liver

    2. Lungs

    3. Brain

    4. Ovaries

    5. *All are correct

  97. How to increase frequency of findings of cyst of lamblias in fresh incandescence and vegetative forms in duodenal content?

    1. Cultivation in thermostat

    2. By the method of floatation in bilious clear soup

    3. Cultivation in anaerobic chamber

    4. *By the applications of phase-contrast and lumencense microscopy with the help of methylen-orange

    5. To sow on a nourishing environment

  98. What preparation is it more expedient to apply for giardiasis treatment?

    1. Ursohol

    2. Delagil

    3. *Ornidazol

    4. Tetracyclin

    5. Enteroseptol

  99. Name the cause of giardiasis:

    1. L. Canicola

    2. B. Coli

    3. *L. Іntestinalis

    4. S. Boidii

    5. L. pomona

  100. The most effective means of filariasis control will be:

    1. Yatren therapy

    2. Insecticidal measures against culex mosquitoes

    3. Provision of underground drainage

    4. *Personal prophylaxix

    5. All mentioned above

  101. Causative agent of Giardiasis is:

    1. G. lamblia

    2. G. intestinalis

    3. *G. lamblia and G. intestinalis

    4. B. coli

    5. None of the above

  102. Cryptosporidiosis is:

    1. Blood borne infection

    2. Respiratory infection

    3. *Intestinal infection

    4. Infection of external covers

    5. Helminthiasis

  103. Balantidiasis is caused by:

    1. *B. coli

    2. B. hominis

    3. E. intestinalis

    4. Cyclospora cayetanensis

    5. B. melitensis

  104. Trichinellosis develops after:

    1. Bite of a tick

    2. Drinking of contaminated water

    3. *Ingestion of the infected meat

    4. Bite of a dog

    5. All of the above

  105. Which of the following species of Trichinella are distributed world wide:

    1. T. nelsoni

    2. T. spiralis

    3. T. nativa

    4. *All mentioned above

    5. None

  106. What is the main symptom of the Trichinellosis:

    1. Rash

    2. Muscle pain

    3. Edema of eyelids

    4. Nodules in muscles

    5. *All mentioned above

  107. Which of the following is the largest intestinal helminthes in human:

    1. *D. latum

    2. S. stercoralis

    3. Anisakis simplex

    4. E. vermicularis

    5. T. saginatus

  108. Loffler’s syndrome in ascariasis is due to:

    1. Inflitration of payer’s patches by eosinophills

    2. Invasion of gallblader by A.lumbricoides pathogen

    3. *inflitration of lung tissue by eosinophills

    4. Inflitration of liver by eosinophills

    5. None of the above

  109. Which drug can be used in pregnancy in case of ascariasis?

    1. Albendazole

    2. Mebendazole

    3. Pyrantel pamoate

    4. Ivermectin

    5. *Piperasin adipinat

  110. Which of the following is known as pinworm?

    1. *E. vermicularis

    2. E. duodenale

    3. N. americanus

    4. T. solium

    5. All of the above

  111. What is larva currents?

    1. Dead larva

    2. Floating larva

    3. *Running larva

    4. Slipping larva

    5. None of the above

  112. All of the following are the blood flukes except:

    1. Schistosoma japonicum

    2. Fasciola gigantica

    3. Clonorchis sinensis

    4. Fasciola hepatica

    5. *Echinococcus granulosis

  113. Chyluria is the complication of:

    1. *Lymphatic filariasis

    2. Abdominal angiostrongyliasis

    3. Enterobiasis

    4. Trichuriasis

    5. Amebiasis

  114. Drug of choice for the treatment of the lymphatic filariasis is:

    1. Albendazole

    2. Glucorticoids

    3. *Diethylcarbamazine

    4. Metronidazole

    5. Chloramphenicol

  115. The distinctive pattern of movement of filarial worms in lymphatic vessels is known as:

    1. Filaria jumping sign

    2. *Filaria dance sign

    3. Filaria swim sign

    4. Filaria escape sign

    5. Filaria flying sign

  116. Onchoceriasis is also known as:

    1. Tropical pulmonary eosinophillia

    2. *River blindness

    3. Guinea worm infection

    4. African eye worm disease

    5. Ricketsiosis

  117. B-12 deficiency is cause by which of the following:

    1. Echinococus granulosis

    2. T. saginata

    3. E. multilocularis

    4. *Diphyllobothrium latum

    5. Ascaris lumbricoideus

  118. Ascaridiosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  119. Ascaridiosis belongs to:

    1. *Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  120. Toxocarosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  121. Toxocarosis belongs to:

    1. Trematodosis

    2. Cestodosis

    3. Nematodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  122. Enterobiosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  123. Enterobiosis belongs to:

    1. Trematodosis

    2. *Nematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  124. Trichinosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  125. Trichinosis belongs to:

    1. *Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  126. Strongyloidosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  127. Strongyloidosis belongs to:

    1. Trematodosis

    2. *Nematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  128. Schistosomosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  129. Schistosomosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. *Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  130. Fasciolosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  131. Fasciolosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. *Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  132. Opisthorchosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. *Helminthosis

    4. Protozoosis

    5. Fungal infection

  133. Opisthorchosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. *Trematodosis

    3. Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  134. Echinococcosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  135. Echinococcosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  136. Alveococcosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. *Helminthosis

    3. Viral infection

    4. Protozoosis

    5. Fungal infection

  137. Alveococcosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  138. Diphyllobothriosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. *Helminthosis

    4. Protozoosis

    5. Fungal infection

  139. Diphyllobothriosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  140. Teniarinchosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. Protozoosis

    4. Fungal infection

    5. *Helminthosis

  141. Teniarinchosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  142. Teniosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. Viral infection

    3. *Helminthosis

    4. Protozoosis

    5. Fungal infection

  143. Teniosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  144. Cycticercosis is:

    1. Bacterial infection

    2. *Helminthosis

    3. Viral infection

    4. Protozoosis

    5. Fungal infection

  145. Cycticercosis belongs to:

    1. Nematodosis

    2. Trematodosis

    3. *Cestodosis

    4. Ricketsiosis

    5. Mycosis

  146. What clinical forms of balantidiasis are seen most often.

    1. *Mild

    2. Acute

    3. Subclinical

    4. Chronic

    5. All of the above

  147. Give recommendations for a patient in reconvalensent period of viral hepatitis during a clinical supervision.

    1. A medical supervision during 6 month

    2. Biochemical inspection

    3. Abstain from hard physical load

    4. Temporal contra-indications for prophylactic inoculations

    5. *All the above

  148. What is etiotropic therapy of viral hepatitis.

    1. Ribavirin

    2. Interferon

    3. Inductors of interferon

    4. Zefix

    5. *All the above

  149. Choose the remedies for etiotropic therapy of viral hepatitis.

    1. *Interferons

    2. Vaccine

    3. Normal human immune globulin

    4. Hepatoprotectors

    5. Glucocorticoids

  150. Choose the remedies for etiotropic therapy for viral hepatitis.

    1. Antibiotics

    2. *Interferons

    3. Probiotics

    4. Vaccine

    5. Normal human immunoprotein

  151. The criteria for application of etiotropic therapy in viral hepatitis is.

    1. Protracted motion of HBV, HVD

    2. Any form of HV

    3. Biochemical activity

    4. Presence of virus replication

    5. *All the above

  152. The criteria for application of etiotropic therapy for the patient with HCV.

    1. Clinical displays are insignificant

    2. Icterus is absent

    3. Moderate biochemical activity

    4. There is anti-HCV in blood

    5. *RNA of HCV +

  153. Factors which are indications of successful interferon therapy in HV infections are all, except.

    1. Level of ALaT not more than 2-3 norm

    2. Low titre of HCV after the treatment

    3. Absence of cholestasis

    4. 2th and 4th genotypes of HCV

    5. *Expressed fibrosis

  154. Indirect action of interferon therapy.

    1. Influenza-like syndrome

    2. Nausea

    3. Itching

    4. Para-hypnosis

    5. *All the above||

  155. .Give recommendation for a patient in reconvalensent period of viral hepatitis during a clinical supervision after isolation.

    1. *Medical supervision during 6 months, periodic biochemical inspections.

    2. Control bacteriological examinations

    3. Full labor investigation

    4. To continue prophylactic inoculations

    5. Supervision is not needed

  156. Indirect action of interferons.

    1. Flatulence

    2. Diarrhea

    3. Nausea

    4. Depression

    5. *All the above

  157. Indirect action of interferon therapy are all except.

    1. Influenza-like syndrome

    2. Nausea

    3. Depression

    4. Intensification of autoimmune diseases

    5. *Progress of fibrosis

  158. . Basic principles of antiviral therapy for viral hepatitis.

    1. Individual selection of dose and rhythm of application of preparations

    2. Duration of introduction of preparations

    3. Control of amount of erytrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes, in blood

    4. Control of iron level in blood

    5. *All the above

  159. . Contra-indications for antiviral therapy of viral hepatitis.

    1. Decompensatory cirrhosis of liver

    2. Thrombocytopenia <50000 in 1 мм3

    3. Psychic disorders

    4. Leucocytopenia <1500 in 1 мм3

    5. *All the above

  160. Contra-indications for antiviral therapy of viral hepatitis.

    1. A.Decompensatory cirrhosis of liver

    2. Autoimmune disease

    3. Alcoholism and other drug addictions

    4. D.Coinfection by HIV

    5. *All the above

  161. Choose the indexes of efficiency of interferon therapy.

    1. *Disappearance| of markers of viral replication

    2. Improvement of the general state

    3. Normalization of the liver size

    4. Disappearance of icterus

    5. All the above

  1. Choose the indexes of efficiency of interferon therapy.

    1. Improvement of the general state

    2. *Normalization of activity of ALaT

    3. Normalization of the liver size

    4. Disappearance of icterus

    5. All the above

  2. Types of answer for interferon therapy are.

    1. Stable remission

    2. Unsteady

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