A.Bayramov, Sh.Gasimov, Z.Islamova Structural Features and Culture of Some ExoticKinds of Plants Introductive in Absheron According to thematic work spent within the limits of scientific researches CBG during the
period with 2006 for 2010 have been involved and have passed introductive studying of 13 new
kinds of plants. Objects of researches were
Trichodiadema densum (Haw.) Schwant., Aptenia cordifolia (L.F.) Schwant., Delosperma echmanii (Ecklon et Zeyh.) Schwant., Lampranthus conspicuus (Haw.) Schwant., Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harvey) R.Hamet., Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb. et Berth., Dyckia remotiflora Otto et Dietr., Pitcairnia xanthocalyx Mart., Puya mirabilis L.B. Smith., Dyckia brewifolia Baker, Pitcairmia bromelifolia L. Herit.,
Sansevieria grandis Hook.f., Yucca brevifolia Engelm.
In article the morphogenesis and structural features introductive kinds (on an example
of 6 kinds) are shown and on the basis of this data their adaptive features are explained, the
developed receptions of their culture are described
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası
Mərkəzi Nəbatat Bağının əsərləri, 2011, VIII cild