Development Aspects Impressum Editors

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Top-level consultations

The top-level consultations (TLC) were conceived as a solution-finding platform designed to create opportunities to share experiences and lessons learned, to show successes with action plan implementation, to discuss related challenges and pos- sible solutions and to identify partners to assist with the implementation of such solutions. One TLC was organized in each country towards the end of the delivery of the CD programme. The TLCs were implemented primarily as a local event with invited presence from key stakeholders including mayors, MPs, councillors, senior municipal administrators, managers of water utilities, district-level functionaries and locally active (I)NGOs. The participants of the trainings that had been most successful in drafting and implementing action plans – the champions – were in- vited to present their experiences, as were town representatives with an overview of the developmental challenges and the contributions that were being made by the various action plans to address these. The TLC was a two-day event consisting of one day of preparation with the champions and one day of actual consultation. The consultation had three distinct components, starting with a session that pre- sented an overview of town-level initiatives and progress. This session enabled a good understanding of the multitude of post-training initiatives and their take-up in the various towns. During the second session, some of the most active partici- pants presented and discussed their issues, action plans and the challenges they faced in their towns to achieve sustainable results. This provided an opportunity for exchange between the champions from the various towns and for learning by invited local officials. The TLCs ended with a session where the participants jointly formulated a declaration that called upon the various stakeholders to act on is- sues that proved a constraint in implementing the action plans. This last session produced a Kisii Declaration for Kenya (shown in box 2), a Bukoba Declaration for Tanzania and a Masaka Declaration for Uganda.

Box 2: The Kisi declaration Municipality/Council level
Delegates committed that councils will:

  1. Allocate suitable land for dump sites, crematoriums and incinerators

  2. Embrace modern solid waste management (SWM) technology and adopt an entrepreneurial approach to SWM

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