Development Aspects Impressum Editors

Partnerships for improved services and better governance

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Partnerships for improved services and better governance


Municipal land issues, planning systems and legislation


Conflict management, resolution and team building in LG


Gender and vulnerable groups


Inclusive participatory water and sanitation management Community capacity-building for responsible action Equitable demand management for WASH


Local economic development


LED opportunities in SWM and WatSan Procurement processes and contract management WatSan business appraisal
Creation of enabling environment for business development

Abbreviations: LG, local government; SWM, solid waste management; WaSH, water, sanitation and health; WatSan, water supply and sanitation

    1. Training and coaching

Despite their prior experience, the knowledge and skills of the facilitators needed to be enhanced for the delivery of the CD programme. This was concluded after a training needs assessment (TNA), which included a self-assessment on content and training methodology by each facilitator relative to each person’s assignment and an assessment by the international partners based on the CV, an interview and a presentation by each facilitator. After this event, NETWAS reviewed and made some adjustments to the team of facilitators. The TNA was followed up by a training of trainers (ToT) workshop, two coaching events and the establishment of peer relationships between the individual facilitators and the experts that had developed the CD intervention concerned.

    1. Further inquiries

Further inquiries were conducted in the 11 towns about halfway through the im- plementation of the CD programme. They primarily aimed at establishing whether the CD programme had been able to empower stakeholders, to achieve short-term components of the action plans and helped to address the real issues in the towns. The inquiries also served to inform on the quality of preparation and implementa- tion of the CD interventions. On the impact of the CD programme, the inquiries established that many of the participants felt empowered and were working on the implementation of their action plans (for examples see box 1).

Many of the smaller, short-term action plans had been successfully implemented with noticeable impact on communities, organizations and services. However, there were issues regarding the consolidation and implementation of the larger, longer-term action plans in many of the towns. Among others, these plans were facing challenges in resource availability and integration into regular planning and budgeting cycles of local government institutions. These challenges were brought forward by the implementers and shared with the MSF and senior municipal politi- cians and administrators at the formal closing session of the further inquiry in each town, for their information and follow-up. On the preparations for the implemen- tation of the CD programme some deficiencies surfaced around the communi- cation and promotion of the CD activities in the towns, the selection of partici- pants and the receipt of invitations. The feedback on the delivery showed that the CD interventions had been highly appreciated including their conduct, materials, methodologies, trainers and venues. Whilst hotels and meals were generally good, there were some problems with daily allowances and transportation arrangements.

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