Interviews and Expert Opinions: To gain valuable insights and perspectives from experts and practi-
tioners in the field, structured interviews and discussions are conducted with renowned scholars, economists,
policymakers, representatives of Islamic financial institutions, and key stakeholders in Uzbekistan. These inter-
views are designed to elicit in-depth information on the challenges, opportunities, and potential strategies for
the development of Islamic finance in the country, specifically focusing on its potential contribution to the green
economy. The insights gained from these interactions provide a nuanced understanding of the local context
and facilitate the exploration of innovative approaches to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly
financing practices.
Data Collection: A comprehensive data collection process is undertaken, encompassing both quantitative
and qualitative approaches. Quantitative data is collected from financial institutions operating in Uzbekistan
that adhere to Islamic finance principles. Key performance indicators such as financial ratios, asset growth,
profitability, social impact, and the adoption of Islamic banking products are analyzed to assess the current
state of Islamic finance in the country. Qualitative data is collected through surveys, questionnaires, and inter-
views with stakeholders to capture perceptions, attitudes, and preferences regarding Islamic finance and its
potential role in advancing the green economy in Uzbekistan.
Comparative Analysis: A comparative analysis is conducted to examine the experiences and practices
of other countries that have successfully integrated Islamic finance into their financial systems while promoting
sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Comparative case studies provide valuable insights
into regulatory frameworks, legal structures, policy initiatives, and best practices that can be adapted to the
Uzbekistan context. This analysis helps identify transferable lessons and practical recommendations for policy-
makers and stakeholders in Uzbekistan.