№ 7-son.
1. Data Collection: Quantitative data was collected through surveys distributed to a diverse sample of higher education institu-
tions globally. The surveys were designed to assess the current state of sustainability practices on campuses,
including initiatives related to energy consumption, waste management, and curriculum integration. The survey
responses provided valuable quantitative insights into the prevalence and effectiveness of sustainability efforts
in higher education.
Qualitative data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, including univer-
sity administrators, faculty members, and students. These interviews facilitated an in-depth exploration of the
challenges faced by institutions in implementing sustainability initiatives and the strategies employed to over-
come obstacles. The qualitative data enriched the understanding of the complexities and nuances surrounding
sustainable globalization in higher education.
2. Case Studies: To examine successful strategies and best practices, a series of case studies were conducted on leading
universities known for their exemplary sustainability initiatives. A purposive sampling technique was employed
to select institutions with diverse geographical locations and institutional characteristics. The case studies
involved comprehensive document analysis of sustainability reports, policy documents, and campus sustain-
ability plans.
In addition to document analysis, on-site visits were conducted to observe and interact with campus stake-
holders involved in sustainability initiatives. These visits allowed for a firsthand understanding of the implemen-
tation process, challenges faced, and the outcomes of various sustainability programs.
3. Data Analysis: The quantitative data collected through surveys were analyzed using statistical software to generate des-
criptive statistics and identify trends and patterns in sustainability practices across different universities. The
qualitative data obtained from interviews and case studies were subjected to thematic analysis to identify key
themes, common challenges, and successful strategies employed by institutions.
The integration of quantitative and qualitative findings allowed for triangulation, enhancing the credibility
and reliability of the research outcomes. The data analysis process involved a rigorous examination of the data
to draw meaningful and evidence-based conclusions related to sustainable globalization in higher education.
In summary, the mixed-methods approach employed in this research combined surveys, interviews, and
case studies to gather comprehensive data on sustainability practices in higher education. The integration
of both quantitative and qualitative data provided a holistic understanding of the subject matter, enabling the
exploration of challenges and successful strategies employed by leading universities in nurturing a green econ-
The Results section presents the findings of this study, highlighting successful sustainability initiatives im-
plemented by higher education institutions and their impact on both students and institutions.