part of the body, esp. that at the base of a thumb or the big toe ; 6) an orb as a symbol as sovereignty; 7) shell, bullet; 8. The eye within the lids and socket (pupil); 9) a small wooden sphere used in voting ; 10. a leather- covered pad used by printers for inking type; 11. a rounded package. Jack is in the pen feeding the 5/i6'c/>-cümləsindəki pen sözünü əvvəlki I am writing with a pen cümləsindəki pen sözü ilə
eyni mənada saymaq olmaz, çünki burda pen yer, məkan mənalarında işlənir və onun aşağıdakı mənaları var, cümlədə (in the pen) yer zərfliyi funksiyasını yerinə yetirir.
Pen 1) a small enclosure for cows, sheep, poultry, etc. ; a fold, a coop; a number of animals in a pen or sufficient to fill a pen; a division in a sheep-shearing shed; a cob as a sheep- shearer. 2) a device for confining the water in a river or canal, so as to form a head of water; a dam; any small place of confinement; a prison cell; a farm, a plantation, a country park; a covered dock for a naval vessel, especially for the submarine Pen 1) a writing tool; originally a feather with its quill sharpened and split to form a nib used for writing or drawing or by being traced over a surface after being dipped in ink. Now, a small instrument consisting of a metal nib fitted into a holder, used for writing or drawing with ink; the practice of writing; a