T.B. Mikheeva, M.V. Ereshchenko (А: А ты как бы хотел: работать в России или жить в Италии?)
B: Life often changes. I don't know yet. I will be in Rome for several
days and I will stay in a hotel there.
(Б: Жизнь часто изменяется. Я пока не знаю. Я буду в Риме не-
сколько дней и там, в гостинице буду жить.)
The analysis of the language material allowed us to identify the fol-
lowing causes of communicative failures:
- language barrier - the difference between the communicants' volume
of active vocabulary and the level of skills in using it;
- semantic communicative barriers, by reason of which an ambiguous
interpretation of the semantics of a word led to misperception;
- lack of background knowledge of one of communicants;
- communicative discomfort and mutual misunderstanding between
- discrepancy of communicative intentions of dialogue partners;
- discrepancy of the interests of communicants, when the level of in-
formation perception is significantly reduced, if a topic discussed is not in-
teresting for one of dialogue partners;
- evading a direct answer by one of communicants;
- contravention of principle of politeness;
- negative assessment of dialogue partner's speech actions.
Moving from one topic of conversation to another, communicants follow
the principle of mutual responsibility or the principle of cooperation [11: 217].
According to this model, the communicative act consists of two phases: the
phase of presentation and the phase of acceptance. In the process of communica-
tion, dialogue partners add some new information, which is considered to be
their common position until it is accepted at the second stage: example 1.8.
А: I will create my own excursion myself. Because I often change my
route. Therefore, I want everything to depend on me.
(А: Я сама создам свою экскурсию. Потому что я часто меняю
свой путь. Поэтому я хочу, чтобы зависело все от меня.)
B: Do you remember? Hmm… well, yes, in the second year we were
taught how to create an excursion? That's why you do the right thing creating
your own excursion... and it's more convenient.
(Б: Помнишь? А… ну да, на втором курсе мы учили, как создать
экскурсию? Поэтому ты правильно делаешь, что создаешь свою экс-
курсию… и это удобнее.)
Communicants create “a related pair, an elementary frame, through
which the participants of a conversation show the result of their analysis of
each other's actions [19]. Each participant should analyze the actions of his /
her partner in order to perform an appropriate response action” [20: 60].