Diqqat. Reja: 1

Baars (1997) argued that access to consciousness is controlled by

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Baars (1997) argued that access to consciousness is controlled by 
attentional mechanisms. Consider, for example, sentences such as, “We look 
in order to see” or “We listen in order to hear”. According to Baars (1997, p. 
364), “The distinction is between selecting an experience and being conscious 
of the selected event. In everyday language, the first word of each pair 
[“look”; “listen”] involves attention; the second word [“see”; “hear”] involves 
consciousness.” In other words, attention resembles choosing a television 
channel and consciousness resembles the picture on the screen. 
William James (1890) distinguished between “active” and “passive” 
modes of attention. Attention is active when controlled in a top-down way by 
the individual‟s goals, whereas it is passive when controlled in a bottom-up 
way by external stimuli (e.g., a loud noise). According to Yantis (1998, p. 252), 
“Stimulus-driven attentional control is both faster and more potent than goal-
driven attentional control.” The reason is that it typically requires processing 
effort to decide which stimulus is most relevant to the current goal. We have 
implied that there is a unitary attentional system. However, this is 
improbable. As Allport (1993, pp. 203–204) pointed out: It seems no more 
plausible that there should be one unique mechanism, or computational 
resource, as the causal basis of all attentional phenomena than that there 
should be a unitary causal basis of thought,or perception, or of any other 
traditional category of folk psychology. 
Diqqatning nerv-fiziologik asoslari 
Diqqatning inson psixik faoliyatidagi o‗rnini tushunish uchun 
predmetlarning qaysi guruhga mansub ekanligi aniqlash lozim. SHaxsning ko‗rish 
maydonida joylashgan predmetlar boshqa predmetlargna nisbatan yaqqolroq idrok 
etiladi. SHu tarzda inson ongida ma‘lumot shakllanadi: bizning faoliyatimizning 
mazmuni bizning ongizmizda asosiy e‘tiborni talaba qiladi, foliyatimiz doirasida 

yuz beradigan ishlar ―miyaning quyi qismi‖ga o‗tib, pereferik qismga aylanadi. Bu 
shuningdek oddiy anologiya. Demak, bizning e‘tiborimiz qaratilgan predmet, 
voqae, hodisa miyada ―miyada markaziy‖ o‗rinni egallaydi.
Agar ongimizni grafik tasvirga joylashtirsak, quyidagi ikki doira ichida 
joylashadi: birinchi doira onglanmagan zona, kichkina doira esa – aniq, yorqin 
ma‘lumotlar zonasi yoki diqqat zonasi deyiladi. Demak, diqqat ongdagi 
ma‘lumotlarni aniq va yarqin bo‗lishini ta‘minlaydi.
1- rasm. Diqqat zonasi 
Odamga har bir daqiqada ta‘sir qilib turadigan qo‗zg‗atuvchilar turlicha 
reflekslarga sabab bo‗ladi. CHunki har qanday refleks organizmning tashqi 
ta‘sirotga beradigan qonuniy javob reaksiyasidir.
Diqqatning nerv-fiziologik asosida orientirovka yoki tekshirish deb ataladigan 
maxsus refleks yotadi. Bunday refleksni akademik I.P.Pavlov maxsus ibora bilan 
"bu nima gap refleksi" deb ham ataydi. Ana shu refleks odatda organizmga 
to‗satdan birorta yangi narsaning ta‘siri yoki haddan tashqari kuchli ta‘sirot orqali 
hosil bo‗ladi. Orientirovka yoki tekshirish refleksi diqqatning fiziologik asosi 
hisoblanadi, chunki bu refleks bosh miya yarim sharlarining po‗stida kuchli 
qo‗zg‗alish jarayonidan iborat bo‗ladi. Boshqacha qilib aytganda har bir daqiqada 
organizmga turli narsalarning ta‘siridan hosil bo‗lgan qo‗zg‗alishlarga nisbatan 
orientirovka yoki tekshirish refleksi ayni chog‗da nisbatan kuchli (ya‘ni optimal) 

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