English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Fill in the gaps?

The case method combines _____elements: the case itself and the discussion of
that case.
b) 3
c) 5

61. What are Cases?
a) Cases are narratives that contain information and invite analysis.
Participants are put in the position of making decisions or evaluations based on
the information available.
b) ‘reading between the lines’; the reader understands what is meant but not stated in a passage.
c) reading widely in order to improve reading comprehension, reading speed and vocabulary
d) the ability to say or write ideas in other words; measures the reader’s understanding of the main idea of the text

62. What happens in a Case Method classroom?
*a) In classroom discussion, students analyze the information in the case and use it
to solve the problem set up by the case.
b) reading a passage quickly to grasp the main idea
c) reading a passage quickly to find specific form
d) making guesses about the meaning of the words by looking at the surrounding words or situation

63. Why Teach with the Case Method?
*a) Case discussions bring energy a nd excitement to the classroom,
providing students with an opportunity to work with a range of evidence, and
improving their ability to apply the vocabulary, theory and methods they have
learned in the lesson
b) reading a passage quickly to find specific form
c) making guesses about the meaning of the words by looking at the surrounding words or situation
d) fill in the blank exercise, in which some words are omitted, designed to measure how well the reader understands how a text is linked together.

64. Disadvantages of using pair and group work
*a the class is noisy
b writing communicative
c can speak each other
d pupils can work together

65. Cluster methods is ….?
*a a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task
b the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course
c theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings
d a group activity in which learners have a free relatively an structured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas

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