English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

66. Brainstorming is…
*a a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas
b a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task
c the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course
d theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings

67. Approach is ….
*a theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings
b the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course
c a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task
d a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas

68. Assessment is …
*a the measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course b a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf information needed to complete a group task
c a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas
d theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings

69. Find the types of learning style
*a tactile, visual, kinesthetic, auditory
b. tactile, visual, kinesthetic
c visual, kinesthetic, auditory
d visual, kinesthetic,

70. How do visual learners learn best?
*a by seeing
b. by hearing
c by moving
d by touching

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