English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is passive vocabulary?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is passive vocabulary?

a) *words students can confidently use in speaking and writing
b) words students can recognize, understand and remember
c) words which is classroom language
d) words students can use in the languages

96. What is grammar?
*a) the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language
b) All the words a person knows or uses
c) the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning
d) something else to show that the two things have the same

97. …. all the words a person knows or uses

*a) vocabulary
b) grammar
d) metaphor

98. … the words that come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its meaning

*a) context
b) vocabulary
c) grammar
d) metaphor

99. … the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language

*a) grammar
b) vocabulary
c) context
d) metaphor
100. … a word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe something else to show that the two things have the same Qualities
*a) metaphor
b) vocabulary
c) grammar
d) context
Tests for English teachers on special modules
1.What is State Educational Standards of Continuous Education of Uzbekistan?
*a)REQUIREMENTS necessary for content and level of learners on foreign language
b)REQUIREMENTSPersonalistic approach in education implies the development of the content of education, which includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also meta-knowledge
c)REQUIREMENTS The System of state standardization of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
d)REQUIREMENTS The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and registration of the standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
2.The aim of teaching foreign language at all levels of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan is….
*a) to develop communicative competence (based on its composites – linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, strategic, sociocultural and social competences) of learners to be able to function in the multicultural world in everyday, scientific and professional spheres.
b)suggest certain amount of material to be offered within a series of lessons, each of the series include certain amount of lessons.
c)develop in accordance with the required minimum content, are consistent across levels of public secondary, secondary specialized and higher education, are presented in a form of action
d)develop desire and ability to engage with people of other cultures – potential partners of communication as well as self-assessment and ability to cope with social situations and managing them in the framework of various communicative settings based on the content areas defined for each grade of primary education.

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