English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Listen to a telephone operator explaining how to find their office and follow the directions on the map you have in front of you

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Listen to a telephone operator explaining how to find their office and follow the directions on the map you have in front of you.
*a)D if it is to listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)
b)SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information (e.g. names, dates, numbers)
c)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing)
d)G if it is to listen for the gist (general idea)
16.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write:
Listen to two friends discussing how to solve the problem and decide whether you agree or disagree with the solution.
*a)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing)
b)SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information (e.g. names, dates, numbers)
c)D if it is to listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)
d)G if it is to listen for the gist (general idea)
17.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to your partner describing a robot and draw it.
*a)D if it is to listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)
b)SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information (e.g. names, dates, numbers)
c)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing)
d)G if it is to listen for the gist (general idea)
18.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a crime witness and select the picture of the burglar she is describing.
*a)D if it is to listen for Detail.
b)SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information.
c)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas.
d)G if it is to listen for the gist.
19.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write:
Listen to a person telling about his favourite subjects at school and decide which of them are true for you and which are not true.
*a)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing)
b)SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information (e.g. names, dates, numbers)
c) if it is to listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)
d)G if it is to listen for the gist (general idea)

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