English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is linguistic competence?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

3.What is linguistic competence?
*a)A type of competence which refers to knowledge of language areas (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) and language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to the level sufficient for communication with the target culture representatives.
b) A type of competence which refers to allowing choosing appropriate linguistic forms, ways of expression depending on the setting, communicative aim and intentions of the speaker.
c)A type of competence which refers to the skill of recognizing linguistic (lexical, grammatical), stylistic and structural characteristics of written and oral texts in order to interpret and produce text appropriately, as well as based on this, choosing appropriate tactics of behavior for language use.
d)A type of competence which refers to the knowledge of national features of authentic language behavior: traditions, rules, norms, social prejudicies, rituals, country specific knowledge and others and ability to present national-cultural features of own culture in comparison with the countries of the target language in FL.
4.What is the name of CEFR level B2?
*a)Independent user level
b)Proficient initial user level
c)Basic user level
d)Basic user enhanced level
5.What is the name of CEFR level C1?
*a)Proficient initial user level
b)Basic user level
c)Independent user level
d)Basic user enhanced level
6.What is the name of CEFR level A2+ ?.
*a)Basic user enhanced level
b)Proficient initial user level
c)Basic user level
d)Independent user level
7. What are the components of concepts communicative language teaching?
*a)Integration of skills, info gap activities, authentic materials, groupwork, pairwork, learner responsibility, teacher as a classroom manager,communicating in English.
b)Integration of skills,info gap activities,authenticmaterials,reflection, evaluation,flexibility,communicating in English.
c)Integration of skills,info gap activities,authenticmaterials,teacher talking time, student talking time,reflection.
d)Integration of skills,info gap activities,authenticmaterials,follow up, total physical response.

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