English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

66. Speaking has 2 aspects
*a)accuracy, an ability to speak correctly, and fluency, an ability to speak confidently.
b) Yes, active ability to speak and fluent speech to speak confidently is more than TTT in all our activities.
c) accurantlyability for speaking skills correctly.It enables a teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s controlling.
d) actively result your pupils will feel more confidently to speak English;
67. Find the effective reading strategies
*a)I look at titles, subtitles, pictures and other visuals before reading
b)I read all texts aloud
c)I ask my teacher for help whenever I meet a word I don`t know
d)I use my finger to help my eyes follow lines on the text
68. Find the ineffective reading strategies.
*a)I ask my teacher for help whenever I meet a word I don`t know
b)I keep my eyes moving past the words I don`t know to understand the main ideas
c)I never ask my teacher for help
d)I look at titles, subtitles, pictures and other visuals before reading
69. What is the purpose of pre-reading activities?
*a)to prepare pupils for reading and understanding
b)to develop the topic
c)to check understanding
d)to write dictations
70. What is information transfer?
*a)change of information (e.g., a text) into another form of information (e.g., a table) to check Ls’ understanding
b)retelling a text for a T to check Ls’ understanding of the text
c)reading a text quickly to find specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc.)
d)reading carefully for detailed understanding (e.g., main ideas, vocabulary, details)
71. Non-verbal communication is …
c)Closed question
d)Contextual guessing
72. How many types of reading do you know?
73. What is intensive reading?
*a)Reading by concentrating on specific details
b)Reading a text for getting specific information
c)Reading a text for understanding its gist
d)Reading a text for understanding its main idea

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