English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Information gap or info gap activities are…

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

59. Information gap or info gap activities are…
*a)They are activities in which a pupil knows something that another pupil does not know, so they have to ask questions to get the information.
b) They are activities in which participants to change in pairs some facts in the dialogue and role play the dialogue with the new information.
c) They are activities in which point out that this time it is important not to make mistakes using the dialogue as a model.
d) They are activities in which after 3 minutes stop the activity. Ask some pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.
60. Criteria of successful speaking activities:
*a) PW + GW STT > TTT
b) GW + WG PRT > TTT
c) TW + VT TPR > TTT
d)All answers are correct
61. Are speaking activities successful?
d)No answer
62. What do PW and GW stand for in the first formula?
*a)Pair work and group work;
b) It enables a teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s control;
c)as a result your pupils will feel more confident to speak English;
d) Yes, all our speaking activities were based on PW and GW.
63. Why is it important to use pair work and group work in speaking activities?
*a) It enables a teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s control;as a result your pupils will feel more confident to speak English;
b) Yes, all our speaking activities were based on PW and GW.
c)Pair work and group work;
d) All answers are correct
64. Do you know the abbreviations TTT and STT mean?
*a)Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time
b) Teacher Training Time and Student Training Time
c) Training Teaching Time and Student Teaching Time
d) Teacher Talking Training and Student Target Time
65. The main aim of Student Talking Time is…
*a)To give pupils a chance to communicate in English. Pupils should speak more than a teacher.
b) Yes, STT is more than TTT in all our activities.
c) It enables a teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s controlling.
d)as a result your pupils will feel more confident to speak English;

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