English 100 test Autonomous Learning

For auditory learners I recommend

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

41. For auditory learners I recommend:
*a)Ask your teacher for oral explanations if you do not understand something; read aloud when you study at home; listen to tapes.
b) look at pictures before you read a text; look at a person who speakswith you.
c) draw something on your notes to remember informationbetter;
d)move around your room while you are learning at home; take frequentbreaks.
42. For kinesthetic learners I recommend :
*a) draw something on your notes to remember information better; move around your room while you are learning at home; take frequent breaks.
b)look at pictures before you read a text; look at a person who speaks
with you.
c) draw something on your notes to remember information
d)move around your room while you are learning at home; take frequent
43. For visual learners I recommend:
*a)look at pictures before you read a text; look at a person who speaks with you.
b) draw something on your notes to remember information better;
c)move around your room while you are learning at home; take frequent breaks.
c) take frequent breaks.
44. What style is it?
These learners need to see things to learn better. It helps ifthey see the teacher’s face and body language duringclass. They may think in pictures, and learn best fromHandouts and videos. During a lesson, these learners liketo take notes.
*a)visual learners
a)auditory learners
c)kinaesthetic learners
d) all answers are correct
45. What style is it?
These learners learn best through hearing information.They enjoy discussions and lectures. They like to talkabout things they learned. These learners remember betterwhen they read something aloud or listen to a taperecorder.
*a)auditory learners
b)kinaesthetic learners
c) all answers are correct
d) visual learners
46. What style is it?
For these kinds of learners, it is not enough to read or hearinformation to learn. They have to do the information toremember. They learn best through different activities. Forthese learners it may be difficult to sit still for a long class.
*a)kinaesthetic learners
b) all answers are correct
c) visual learners
d)auditory learners

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