English 100 test Autonomous Learning

How many language skills are in teaching English?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

8.How many language skills are in teaching English?
*a)4:speaking,reading, writing,listening
b)3:speaking,reading, writing
c)2: writing,listening
d)5: speaking,reading, writing,listening,translating
9.What abilities should have a teacher ?
*a)All answers are correct.
b)Didacticability,authoritative ability
b)Organizing ability, paraceptive ability:
d)Pedagogical dream, pedagogical – psycological ability.
10.The purpose of feedback is ……
*a)to give professional support
b)tocriticise teacher
c)to be judgmental
d)no correct answer
11.Find the purpose of the following listening activity:
Listen to the story and write a title for it.
*a)Listening for gist
b)Listening for specific information
c)Listening for details
d) Listening for main idea
12.Find the purpose of the following listening activity: Listen to the
description of a house and draw it
*a)Listening for details
b)Listening for specific information
c)Listening for gist
d)Listening for main idea
13.Find the purpose of the following listening activity:
Listen to an announcement in the train station and complete the formation about the trains leaving to Manchester.
*a) Listening for specific information
b)Listening for details
c)Listening for main idea
d)Listening for gist
14.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a radio program and tell what it is about.
*a)G if it is to listen for the gist (general idea).
b)D if it is to listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object).
c)MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing).
d) SI if the purpose is to listen for Specific Information (e.g. names, dates, numbers).
15.Read the listening activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write:

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