English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Why do we listen for the first time?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

20.Why do we listen for the first time?
*a)To understand the gist
b)To understand the details
c)To understand the whole text
d)To understand the specific information
21. Why do we listen for the second time?
*a)To understand the details
b)To understand the gist
c)To understand the whole text
d)To understand the specific information
22.What is the main reason for listening?
*a)to get information
b)to talk
c)to write
d)to read
23.How many steps of listening activities?
24.How is the test must be made on ……..?
*a)the pervious theme which was learned
b)the new topic which will be learned
c)only grammar
d)only phonetics
25. Benefits of dictations …
*a)all answers are correct
b)…helps a T to manage large classes
c)… enables a T to use understanding texts
d)…leads to oral communicative activities
26. In dictations we use:
*a)Words and pictures
b)Only words
c)Only pictures
d)Different texts
27.Find the statement for lesson objective.
*a) Things that you want to achieve with an activity, task,
lesson or a session
b)To enable pupils to talk about timetables using simple present
c)To talk about timetables pupils need to use simple present
d)Pupils have to be able to use simple present to talk about timetables
28.What is the difference of English lesson from other lessons?
*a)it is practical and directed to speaking
b)it teaches only writing
c)it teaches only reading
d)it teaches only listening
29.A session plan is…
*a)A compass
b)A pen
c)A vase
d)A note-book
30.The role of teachers in forming young generation’s attitudes to life…
*a) is enormous, if we say that we believe they can ‘fly high’ – they will
b) is common understanding of teaching context will help them to work together.
c) is to explore the role of beliefs in people’s life
d) is monitoring and giving help if necessary.

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