Perfectda ishlatiladi:
He came home late in the evening.
He had visited the Museum of Fine
Arts and had been to the concert. He
had supper, read the newspaper and
feeling tired, went to bed.
U uyga kechqurun kech keldi. U
San‘at muzeyiga bordi va konsert-
da bo‘lgan edi. U kechki ovqatini
yedi, gazetani o‘qidi va charchagani
uchun joyiga yotdi.
Misoldagi came, had supper, read, went to bed harakatlari oldinma-
ketin sodir bo‘ladi, had visited va had been harakatlari esa ulardan oldin
sodir bo‘lgan.
3. after – dan keyin bilan bog‘langan ergash gapda Past Perfect ish-
After the sun had set, we decided to
return home.
Quyosh botgandan keyin, biz uy-
ga qaytishga qaror qildik.
After the cases had been counted, I
left the warehouse.
Qutilar sanab bo‘lingandan keyin,
men ombordan chiqdim.
Ikki ish-harakatni biri boshqasidan oldin sodir bo‘lganligini ta’kid-
lash zarurati bo‘lmaganda after ishlatilgan gapda ham Simple Past ish-
After he turned off the light, he left
the room.
Chiroqni o‘chirgach u xonadan
After he signed the letter, he asked
the secretary to send it off.
Xatni imzolagandan keyin u koti-
baga xatni jo‘natib yuborishni aytdi.
4. Whendan keyin odatda Simple Past ishlatiladi. Lekin when -dan keyin ma’nosida kelganida when bilan boshlangan gapda Past Perfect ishlatiladi:
When the secretary received the tele-
gram, he immediately showed it to
the manager.
Kotiba telegrammani olgani
u uni zudlik bilan menejerga
When (=after) they had gone, he be-
gan to work.
Ular ketganidan keyin u ishini
5. before bilan boshlangan ergash gapli qo‘shma gapning bosh gapida