G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

will have) va asosiy fe’lning o‘tgan zamon sifatdoshi (Past Participle

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G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi-fayllar.org

will have) va asosiy fe’lning o‘tgan zamon sifatdoshi (Past Participle) yor-
damida yasaladi:
Ega + shall have (will have) + P.P.
I shall have worked, he will have worked, we shall have worked.
2. Future Perfectning bo‘lishsiz shakli shall yoki will yordamchi
fe’llardan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:
Ega + shall (will) + not + have + P.P.
shall not have worked, he will not have worked, we shall not have 
wor ked.
7 — M. G‘apporov
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi

3. Future Perfectning so‘roq shakli shall yoki will yordamchi fe’lini

eganing oldiga o‘tkazish bilan yasaladi:
Shall (will) + ega + have + P.P.?
Shall I have worked? Will he have worked? Shall we have worked?
Bo‘lishli shakli
Bo‘lishsiz shakli
So‘roq shakli
shall have worked
He (she,it) will have wor-
We shall have worked
You will have worked
They will have wor ked
shall not have wor ked
He (she, it) will not have
We shall not have worked
You will not have worked
They will not have worked
Shall I have worked?
Will he (she, it) have wor-
Shall we have wor ked?
Will you have wor ked?
Will they have wor ked?
1. Future Perfect kelasi zamondagi biror vaqtdan oldin tamom bo‘la-
digan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Kelasi zamondagi bu vaqt quyidagicha
berilishi mumkin:
a) by 5 o’clock soat beshgacha, by Saturday shanbagacha, by 
the 15
of December 15 dekabrgacha, by the end of the year yilning 
oxirigacha, by that time o‘sha vaqtgacha va boshqa vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari
We shall have translated the
article by fi ve o’clock.
Biz maqolani soat beshgacha
tarjima qilib bo‘lamiz.
We shall have shipped the goods by 
that time.
Biz o‘sha vaqtgacha mollarni yuk-
lab bo‘lamiz.
b) payt va shart ergash gapidagi Simple Present bilan ifodalangan kelasi
zamondagi ikkinchi bir ish-harakati bilan:
They will have shipped the goods
when your telegram arrives.
Sizning telegrammangiz kelganida
ular mollarni yuklab bo‘ladilar.
I shall have fi nished this work be-
fore you return.
Men bu ishni siz qaytib kelishin-
gizdan oldin tamomlayman.
The train will have left by the time 
we get to the station.
Biz stansiyaga yetib borgunimiz-
gacha, poyezd jo‘nab ketadi.
Payt va shart ergash gaplarda Future Perfect ishlatilmaydi: Future 
Perfect o‘rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi:
We shall send them the documents
after we have shipped the goods.
Biz mollarni yuklab bo‘lganimiz-
dan keyin hujjatlarni ularga jo‘na-
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi

2. Future Perfect ba’zan kelasi zamondagi ish-harakatini emas, o‘tgan

zamondagi farazni ifodalaydi va ma’nosi must fe’lining ma’nosiga yaqin-
You will have read in the news-
papers about the conclusion of this
Siz bu bitimning tuzilganligi
haqida gazetalarda o‘qigan
bo‘lishingiz kerak.
The reader will have observed an
upward tendency in wool prices on
the London market.
O‘quvchi London bozorida yung
narxlarining o‘sishga moyil-
ligini kuzatgan bo‘lsa kerak.
O‘tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon
(The Future Perfect in the Past Tense)
1. Future Perfect in the Past Tense xuddi Future Perfect Tensedek
yasaladi, lekin shall va will yordamchi fe’llarining o‘rnida should va would 
yordamchi fe’llari ishlatiladi.
2. Future Perfect in the Past Tense ko‘pincha o‘zlashtirma gaplarda
ishlatilib, bosh gapdagi ish-harakat o‘tgan zamonda bo‘lganda ko‘chirma
gaplardagi kelasi zamonni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi:
I said that I should have copied the
text by fi ve o’clock.
Men matnni soat 5 ga qadar ko‘-
chirib bo‘lishimni aytdim.
He said that he would have taken 
his examination by the fi rst of May.
U imtihonlarini birinchi mayga
qadar topshirib bo‘lishini aytdi.
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Hozirgi tugallangan davom zamonning yasalishi
1. Present Perfect Continuous to be fe’lining Present Perfect shakli

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