G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

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14. Ikkita bir xil darajadagi sifatni teng qiyoslash uchun oddiy dara jadagi 
sifatni as … as o‘rtasiga qo‘yamiz:
As + adjective + as + noun(pronoun)
He is as young as my brother.
U akamdek yosh.
My dictionary is as good as yours. Mening 
lug‘atim siznikidek yax-
Peter is as tall as I.
Piter mendek uzun.
Bo‘lishsiz gaplarda birinchi as odatda so bilan almashtiriladi:
He is not so young as my brother. 
U akamdek yosh emas.
My dictionary is not so good as 
Mening lug‘atim siznikidek 
yaxshi emas.
15Bir necha martalab qiyoslash as … as o‘rtasiga oddiy darajadagi sifat 
qo‘yiladi va ulardan oldin ikki marta, uch marta so‘zlari qo‘yiladi:
My room is twice as large as 
Mening xonam siznikidan ikki 
marta katta.
This box is three times as heavy 
as that. 
Bu quti unisiga qaraganda uch 
marta og‘ir.
He has twice as many books as 
Unda mendagiga qaraganda ikki 
marta ko‘p kitob bor.
Today we have loaded three times 
as much wheat as yesterday.
Bugun biz kechagiga qaraganda 
uch marta ko‘p bug‘doy yukladik.
Ikkinchi buyum tushib qolganda sifatdan keyingi as tushirib qoldi-
This grade is twice as expensive. 
Bu nav (sort) ikki marta qimmat.
He is twice as old.
Uning yoshi ikki marta katta.
Quyidagilarning tarjima qilinishiga e’tibor bering:
I paid for the book half as much 
as for the dictionary. 
Men bu kitob uchun lug‘atga qara-
ganda ikki marta kam pul to‘ladim.
I have half as many English 
books as French. 
Menda inglizcha kitoblar fransuz-
cha kitoblarimga qaraganda ikki 
baravar kam.

He is half my age. 
Uning yoshi mening yoshimning 
yarmiga teng.
My room is half the size of yours. 
Mening xonam siz 
ni xonangiz-
ning yarmiga teng.
My trunk is half the weight of 
Meni chamadonimning og‘irligi 
siznikining yarmiga teng.
16. Qo‘sh qiyoslash:
the + adj. + er + ega + kesim, + the + adj. +er + ega + kesim
The bigger they are, the harder 
they fall.
Ular qanchalik kattaroq bo‘lsa, 
shunchalik qattiqroq yiqiladilar.
The sooner you take your medi-
cine, the better you will feel.
Siz dorini qanchalik tezroq ichsan-
giz, shunchalik tezroq o‘zingizni 
yaxshiroq his qilasiz.
The sooner you leave, the more 
earliery you will arrive at your 
Siz qanchalik tezroq jo‘nasangiz, 
manzilingizga shunchalik tezroq 
yetib olasiz.
The hotter it is, the more miser-
able I feel.
Qanchalik issiqroq bo‘lsa, men 
o‘zimni shunchalik yomonroq his 
The higher we fl ew, the more 
mise rable Edna felt.
Qanchalik balandroq uchganimiz 
sari Edna o‘zini shunchalik yo-
monroq his qilardi.
The + more + ega + kesim + the + adj.+er + ega + kesim
The more you study, the smarter 
you will become.
Qanchalik ko‘proq o‘qisangiz, 
shunchalik zukkoroq bo‘lasiz.
The more he rowed the boat the 
farther away he got.
U qayiqning eshkagini qanchalik 
ko‘proq eshgan sayin, shunchalik 
uzoqroqqa ketardi.
The more he slept, the more 

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