G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

Who is that man? U kishi kim? That man is Mr. A. (my uncle)

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Who is that man?
U kishi kim?
That man is Mr. A. (my uncle).
U kishi Mr. A. (mening amakim).
What is he?
U kim?
He is a lawer (the manager of our 
offi ce).
U yurist (bizning ofi simizning me-

1. Maxsus so‘roq gaplarning bo‘lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun not inkor 
yuklamasini egadan keyin qo‘yamiz. Og‘zaki nutqda not yordamchi fe’l 
yoki modal fe’l bilan qo‘shilib ketadi:
Why did you not come yesterday?
Why didn’t you come yesterday?
Nima uchun kecha kelmadingiz?
What does he not understand?
What doesn’t he understand?
U nimani tushunmaydi?
2. Savol egaga yoki eganing aniqlovchisiga berilgan bo‘lsa, not inkori 
yordamchi fe’l yoki modal fe’ldan keyin keladi:
Who hasn’t seen this fi lm yet?
Bu fi lmni yana kim ko‘rmagan?
Who doesn’t know this rule?
Bu qoidani kim bilmaydi?
Muqobil so‘roq gaplar (Alternative Questions)
1. Muqobil so‘roq gaplar or bog‘lovchisi bilan bog‘langan ikkita umu-
miy soroq gapdan iborat bo‘ladi. Odatda ikkinchi so‘roq gap to‘liq bo‘l-
Did you spend your leave 
in the Crimea or (did you 
spend it) in the Caucasus?
Siz ta‘tilingizni Qrimda o‘tkaz-
dingizmi yoki Kavkazda?
Do you like tea or (do you like) 
Siz choyni yoqtirasizmi yoki ko-
Is he resting or (is he) working?
U dam olayaptimi yoki ishlayap-
2. Muqobil so‘roq gaplarga to‘liq javob beriladi:
Did you spend your leave in 
the Crimea or in the Caucasus?
— I spent it in the Caucasus.
Do you like tea or coffee?
— I like tea.
Is he resting or working?
— He is resting.
3. Muqobil so‘roq gap egaga berilgan bo‘lsa, ikkinchi egadan ol din 
doim yordamchi fe’l yoki modal fe’l keladi. Bunday so‘roq gaplarga 
har qanday egaga berilgan so‘roq gaplarga o‘xshab, qisqa javob 
Did you speak to them, or did the manager?
Ular bilan siz gaplashdingizmi yoki menejer?
— The manager did.
— Menejer.
Will you go there, or will your brother?
U yerga siz borasizmi yoki akangiz?
— My brother will.
— Akam.

4. Muqobil so‘roq gaplar so‘roq so‘zlar bilan ham boshlanishi mumkin. 
Bunday so‘roq gaplar maxsus so‘roq gap va ikkita uyushuq bo‘lakdan iborat 
Where did you spend your leave: 
in the Crimea or in the Caucasus?
Ta’tilingizni qayerda o‘tkazdingiz: 
Qrimdami yoki Kavkazda?
Which do you like: tea or coffee?
Qaysini yoqtirasiz: choynimi yoki 
Which is he doing: resting or 
U nima qilayapti: dam olayaptimi 
yoki ishlayaptimi?

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