General microbiology

A. Yeast-like fungi of Candida genus

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A. Yeast-like fungi of Candida genus B. Actinomycetes
C. Streptococci D. Oral spirochetes E. Oral trichomonas
15. Broadspectrum antibiotics can cause various complications, including intestinal candidiasis. What drug is used for treatment of this complication?
A. Nystatin B. Griseofulvin C. Undecyne D. Amphotericin B E. Gramicidin

1. A patient with skin mycosis has disorder of cellular immunity. The most typical characteristic of it is reduction of the following index:
A. T-lymphocytes B. Immunoglobulin G C. Immunoglobulin E
D. B-lymphocytes E. Plasmocytes
2. In order to establish the possible contamination of a medication with fungi, a nutrient medium was inoculated, which resulted in growth of large cream-like colonies. What nutrient medium was used in this case?
A. Sabouraud B. Lowenstein-Jensen
C. Roux D. Loeffler E. Finn-2
3. Crude herbal drugs must be examined for yeast-like fungi. What agar can ensure development of these microorganisms so that associating microflora will grow very slowly or won’t grow at all?
A. Sabouraud’s peptone agar B. Endo agar
C. Milk-salt agar D. Meat infusion agar E. Blood agar
4. What preparations are used for prevention of fungal infection?
A. Fluconozol, Orungal, Nisoral
B. Rubomycin, Bleomycin, Mytomycin C
C. Cytosar, Cormyctin, Lomycitin
D. Captopril, Enalapril E. Isoniazid, Ftibazid, Pyrazinamid
5. Name the halogen-containing antiseptic with fungicidal properties, which is used to treat dermatomycosis:
A. Iodine solution
B. Formalin solution
C. Methylene blue
D. Brilliant green
E. Boric acid solution
Sanitary microbiology
1. During the regular sanitary epidemiological inspection of a pharmacy, the bacteriological analysis of air was performed. The air was found to have bacilli, yeast fungi, hemolytic streptococci, micrococci. Which of the detected microorganisms indicate the direct epidemic danger?

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