General microbiology

B. Translation initiation in procaryotes

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B. Translation initiation in procaryotes
C. Replication initiation in procaryotes
D. Transcription initiation in eucaryotes
E. Transcription initiation in procaryotes
64. A patient with bacterial pneumonia was prescribed benzylpenicillin. What is the mechanism of its antibacterial effect?
A. Inhibition of synthesis of microorganism wall
B. Inhibition of intracellular protein synthesis
C. Abnormal permeability of cytoplasmic membrane
D. Inhibition of SH-groups of microorganism enzymes
E. Antagonism with p-amino-benzoic acid
65. A 19 year old woman suffers from primary syphilis. Doctor administered her complex therapy that includes benzylpenicillin sodium salt. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?
A. It blocks synthesis of peptidoglycan of microbial membrane
B. It blocks synthesis of cytoplasm proteins
C. It blocks thiol enzymes
D. It blocks RNA synthesis E. It blocks DNA synthesis
66. A doctor prescribed a cephalosporin antibiotic to the patient after appendectomy for infection prevention. Antimicrobial activity of this group of antibiotics is based upon the disturbance of the following process:
A. Microbial wall formation B. Nucleic acid synthesis
C. Ribosome protein synthesis
D. Energy metabolism E. Choline esterase block
67. For infection prevention a patient who underwent appendectomy was prescribed a cephalosporin antibiotic. Antimicrobial activity of these antibiotics is called forth by the disturbance of the following process:
A. Microbial wall formation B. Nucleic acid synthesis
C. Ribosomal protein synthesis
D. Energy metabolism E. Cholinesterase block
68. Certain infections caused by bacteria are treated with sulphanilamides that block the synthesis of bacterial growth factor. What is the mechanism of these drugs action?
A. They are antivitamins of paminobenzoic acid
B. They inhibit the folic acid absorption
C. They are allosteric enzyme inhibitors
D. They are involved in redox processes E. They are allosteric enzymes
69. A patient with herpetic stomatitis was prescribed acyclovir for topical application. What is its mechanism of action?

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