General microbiology

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C. Benzylpenicillin D. Rifampicin E. Levomycetin (Chloramphenicol)
80. After a prolonged isoniazid treatment, the patient developed polyneuritis, paresthesia, memory disorders, and convulsions. What is the most likely mechanism of the described isoniazid side-effects?
A. Disruption of cell membrane synthesis B. Inhibition of protein synthesis
C. Inhibition of RNA-synthesis D. Inhibition of pyridoxal phosphate synthesis
E. Para-aminobenzoic acid antagonism
81. Mother of a 2-year-old child made an appointment with the dentist. She complains of teeth destruction in her child. Examination shows that the milk teeth of the child are deformed, carious, and have a brown border at their cervices. Medical history of the mother revealed that during pregnancy she had been taking antibiotics without the doctor’s prescription. What group of antibiotics with the most marked teratogenic effect was likely taken by the mother?
A. Penicillins B. Macrolides
C. Tetracyclines D. Aminoglycosides E. Cephalosporins
1. Pathogenic staphylococcus was obtained from the purulent wound of the patient. Its antibiotic sensitivity was determined to be as follows: penicillin growth inhibition zone - 8 mm; oxacillin - 9 mm, ampicillin - 10 mm, gentamicin - 22 mm, lincomycin - 11 mm. What antibiotic should be chosen for treatment in this case?
A. Gentamicin B. Penicillin C. Ampicillin D. Oxacillin E. Lincomycin
2. A patient with streptococcal gingival infection was prescribed a medication that contains beta lactam ring in its structure. What preparation belongs to this group?
A. Benzylpenicillin B. Rifampicin C. Erythromycin D. Streptomicin sulfate E. Chloramphenicol
3. A patient with streptococcal infection of gums was prescribed a drug that contained beta-lactam ring in its structure. Which drug relates to this group?
A. Benzylpenicillin B. Rifampicin C. Erythromycin
D. Streptomycin sulfate E. Chloramphenicol
4. Gonorrhoea was revealed in the patient on bacterioscopy of the smear from urethra. Taking into account that medecines for gonorrhoea are fluorquinolones, patient should be prescribed:

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