General microbiology

A. It inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids of viruses

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A. It inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids of viruses
B. It inhibits virus penetration into cells C. It inhibits virus maturation
D. It increases the resistance of macroorganism cells to the viruses
E. It inhibits virion assembly
70. A patient is ill with herpetic stomatitis provoked by immunosuppression. What preparation introduced intravenously, internally and locally can provide antiviral and immunopotentiating effect?
A. Acyclovir B. Remantadinum C. Levamisole
D. Methisazonum E. Amoxicillin
71. On the 5-th day of the respiratory disease a 24 y.o. man has developed progressive headaches systemic dizziness, feeling of seeing double, paresis of mimic muscles on the right, choking while swallowing. Acute viral encephalitis has been diagnosed. What is the main direction of urgent therapy?
A. Zovirax B. Glucocorticoids
C. Ceftriaxon D. Lasix E. Hemodesis
72. What preparations are used for prevention of fungal infection?
A. Fluconozol, Orungal, Nisoral
B. Rubomycin, Bleomycin, Mytomycin C
C. Cytosar, Cormyctin, Lomycitin
D. Captopril, Enalapril E. Isoniazid, Ftibazid, Pyrazinamid
73. Name the halogen-containing antiseptic with fungicidal properties, which is used to treat dermatomycosis:
A. Iodine solution
B. Formalin solution
C. Methylene blue
D. Brilliant green
E. Boric acid solution
74. A patient developed burning sensation in the oral cavity and white fuzzy coating on the tongue. Oral thrush is diagnosed. What drug of those listed below should be used?
A. Tetracycline. B. Amphotericin. C. Griseofulvin.
D. Nystatin. E. Gentamicin.
75. A 4-year-old child presents with numerous carious cavities and yellow-colored teeth. The mother has a history of antibiotic treatment during her pregnancy. What antibiotic was the most likely taken by the child’s mother?
A. Cefazolin B. Streptomycin sulfate
C. Ampicillin D. Erythromycin E. Doxycycline
76. Pathogenic staphylococcus was obtained from the purulent wound of the patient. Its antibiotic sensitivity was determined to be as follows: penicillin growth inhibition zone - 8 mm; oxacillin - 9 mm, ampicillin - 10 mm, gentamicin - 22 mm, lincomycin - 11 mm. What antibiotic should be chosen for treatment in this case?
A. Gentamicin B. Penicillin C. Ampicillin
D. Oxacillin E. Lincomycin
77. An 18-year-old patient has developed candidiasis after the case of pneumonia treated with β-lactam antibiotic. What antimycotic agent should be prescribed?
A. Streptomycin B. Fluconazole C. Phthalylsulfathiazole
D. Ampicillin E. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Biseptol)
78. A patient with pulmonary tuberculosis is prescribed the most effective antituberculous antibiotic. Name this drug:
A. Furasolidone B. Bactrim (Co-trimoxazole)
C. Streptocide D. Rifampicin E. Tetracycline
79. A patient with streptococcal infection of the gingiva was prescribed a drug with β-lactam ring in its structure. What drug of those listed below belongs to this pharmacological group?
A. Erythromycin B. Streptomycin sulfate

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