something has value or is worth life, he
treated others with the same respect that he
hoped to receive.
His line of thinking was
more like this:
To the man who is truly ethical all life is
sacred, including that which from the
human point of view seems lower in the
A man is really ethical only when he…
does not ask how far this or that life
deserves sympathy as valuable in itself, nor
how far it is capable of feeling. To him life
as such is sacred.
Choose life instead and you won‘t have
to defend infanticide. Honor all life as
sacred and peace will make its home in you.
A woman can be charged with causing
harm to her unborn child if she takes
drugs while pregnant, but if she aborts
him at the same age, then it‘s okay. She
can kill him but she can‘t slightly harm
Some doctors who perform corrective
surgery and abortions perform these on
the very same conditions and the same
age fetuses! Whether they heal a
condition or simply take life of the child
depends on the parents preference.
Reason #11
―Unborn babies are people too!‖
Reason #12
Abortion in the
physical sense is also
abortion in the
spiritual sense
Personhood is based on a
Godless worldview
e just looked at the personhood
theory where some people
believe that your intrinsic
worth is connected to certain outer
qualities. They think that until a fetus has
what they perceive as ‗consciousnesses‘ and
‗thinking‘ that somehow it‘s okay to abort.
They reject any idea of a Higher Power or
Creator of the Universe (i.e., God) behind it
all. To them, the human mind with all of its
imperfections is all that matters.
The entire argument about the fetus not
being a person yet is based on a humanistic
worldview. A worldview that has no God
behind it. A worldview that believes that
life is accidental and mankind just
accidentally evolved from amoebas with
eyes and ears and feet, conveniently in the
right places (and of course, no miracles
remember, no angels, no healings, no life
after death, no prayers answered — just one
lonesome planet.) Remember, in this view,
there is no Universal Intelligence of any
sort or name. Just gases and empty spaces
and little amoebas floating around. And,
speaking of that, who put those things there
in the first place!
You mean more to God than
you do to the world
he personhood argument says that if
you have such and such feature or
ability you‘re a person. And if you
are a person, well, we‘ll give you a place at
the table. At least as long as you have more
‗personhood‘ than "other animals." Some
people say that being a human does not
mean you are necessarily a person.
Fortunately for us, however, God makes no
such distinctions.
It does not matter to God
what stage of development
we have passed
As His children we are all lovable and
valuable, no matter what our age, talents,
social status, physical beauty or family
dysfunction. It does not matter to God what
stage of development we have passed or
how much we have experienced. God loves
us simply because we are His children and
because He is pure Love.
Our true worth comes from our
spiritual nature, not our
Quotable Quote
―What the Christian denies is that his
consciousness, his personality, derives
from his body. Rather, the body depends
upon his consciousness, for the Personal
Creator God in whose image man is
made was and is a Spirit before he ever
made a body.‖
—Richard Ganz,
Thou Shalt Not Kill
e are, I believe, made in the
image and likeness of God (Gn.
, 5:1, 9:6).
The worth of
the fetus is not so much that she is human
life with human DNA but that she is
human bearing God‘s spirit within.
We are from God (1 Jn. 4:6). We are
children of the One God, created in the
image of God. If God is Love (1 Jn. 4:8),
then our true nature is also Love. In fact,
that means our true nature is Love, not
human intellect as some philosophers insist.
If you think about it, our lives are a
journey in self-development, or at least
they are meant to be. None of us can
honestly say that we are perfect, yet Jesus
said, be ye therefore perfect as your father
in heaven (Mt. 5:48). So we still have a long
way to go! We, who have not "grown up"
spiritually should not pick on those who
have not "grown up" physically. Our
spiritual growth is more important than our
physical growth. You can be an old man
and have learned nothing, or you can be a
child and have the most beautiful soul.
Truly, it‘s what‘s inside us that counts.
Can abortion kill anyone‘s
true nature?
If there was anything there growing inside
me, it was a soul. And a soul is energy, and
you can‘t destroy energy.
—―Maud,‖ I‘
t might seem that if there is more to us
than just this body, isn‘t abortion okay?
I mean, can‘t the soul just keep living?
We may be spiritual beings, but
Scientifically and spiritually we are just
energy — if you really examine it — but
we are conscious energy. This energy has
personality and individuality. A soul. A
mind. Emotions. Just because we are energy
doesn‘t mean murder is acceptable. Yes,
you won‘t kill energy, but you will kill the
person that belongs in that body. The same
with abortion. God gave us bodies and
that‘s how we experience the world, grow,
make choices and express ourselves —
through our physical body.
You can‘t kill the soul of your baby by
aborting her, but just because she continues
to exist doesn‘t mean it‘s spiritually lawful.
After all, if you killed an adult they would
also keep living, since their true essence is
also spirit. But of course, we know such
killing is wrong.
We know that God is a Spirit and that
we should worship Him in spirit and in
truth (Jn. 4:24). We also know that we are
made in the image of God, who is spirit. At
death our bodies return to the earth from
where they came and our spirit returns to
God, from where it came. (Eccl. 12:7) The
part of us that dies at death is just the body,
not the spirit of a person.
So we are spirit. But in this life, we are
also physical. That‘s pretty obvious. We live
in a physical world. We have physical
bodies. We need a physical body to remain
alive in this world. Therefore we have laws
in society protecting our physical bodies.
These laws prohibit physical murder. Can
murder kill someone‘s spirit? No! But is
murder still wrong? Yes!
The spirit is interwoven into
the fabric of life
Bible Quote
―There are also heavenly bodies and
there are earthly bodies; but the
splendor of the heavenly bodies is one
kind, and the splendor of the earthly
bodies is another.‖
—1 Cor. 15:40
hen trying to understand how
abortion is a spiritual and
physical thing, you have to
understand that we are both physical and
spiritual beings.
God‘s spirit animates our body and is a
part of the life in every cell and atom.
There‘s a really interesting verse in the
Bible that says, ―As you do not know the
path of the wind, or how the body is
formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot
understand the work of God, the Maker of
all things.‖ (Eccl. 11:5)
The variation on this
verse is, "As you do not
know how life
the spirit
enters the body being formed,
you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things.‖
I believe that from conception the spirit
of the incoming child is infused into the
fabric of the new body — into the blood,
bones and tissue. Gradually, more and more
of the spirit of the child is bonded into the
body until the assimilation is complete. Did
you ever stop to think that each and every
cell of your body is alive? Yet when you die
these cells all die. Scientists continually say
that they cannot find God in the human
body yet they are only examining dead
Hypnotherapy also seems to indicate
that the child‘s soul comes and goes during
pregnancy until the moment when he or
she is locked into this new body and merges
with it fully.
In any case, the soul isn‘t a
last-minute addition that God stuffs into
the fetus during delivery.
For more on how abortion might affect
the soul‘s plan see
#20: There is
a plan
Denying God?
As well as the soul of the fetus being
part of the body, there is also God‘s
presence. The heart has long been the
focus of love and God‘s presence in our
human bodies. (2 Cor. 1:21-22; 4:6, Gal.
4:6) Since God is alive in every fetus,
abortion denies God in that baby.
Reason #12
―The unborn child is valuable
spiritually, not just as a human‖
Reason #13
At what point is it
too late to abort?
When does abortion become
know that none of us wants to kill a
baby, and we all have our own timeline
of where we believe abortion becomes
morally wrong, right? We all have our
point where we say, ―Alright, that‘s a baby
now. Killing it is wrong now.‖
So, my question to you is, where is your
line…and how would an abortion be
different an hour, a day or a week before?
Not sure where you draw the line? Let‘s
look at some possible dates.
At Conception
For me, that point is conception. After
that it‘s no longer birth control because it‘s
no longer a sperm and egg — it's a new
individual — life is present, existing, alive
and developing from that point onward. No
longer just a body cell of the mother or
father, a baby is growing — yes, isn‘t it
For more on this see
Reason #2: We
know when life begins.
Before implantation occurs
After conception the fertilized egg (i.e.,
new life) floats downwards and finds itself a
place on the lining of the uterus. The
fertilized egg sends out cells that become
the placenta — the point of exchange
between mother and baby. Perhaps some
people believe that abortions should be
permitted until this time, as scientists
routinely create multiple embryos for IVF
and only implant a few of them. Yet, just
because it has been done doesn‘t mean it
should be. Implantation as a line to abort
doesn‘t make much sense, because the ball
of cells has already started becoming a baby
— the only difference is, now she is settled
Before the heart starts
The reasoning for this point is that since
at death the heart stops, so when the heart
starts does life begin? However, it is a little
more complex, since it‘s impossible for the
heart to begin instantly because the heart
hasn‘t developed yet. Also, what does the
heart really do? It pumps blood! Yes, it
doesn‘t make you human, it doesn‘t make
you a child of God — it pumps blood!
For more information on how the heart
begins beating — a mystery in itself —
Reason #9: It‘s not just a bunch of
Before Quickening
In nineteenth century English common
law, abortion was considered moral up until
quickening, which meant when the mother
noticed her baby moving. The reasosn for
this was that it was thought the baby
became alive at that time. It was in the days
before pregnancy tests, and feeling
movement was the first indicator of life
they had.
Quickening should not be confused with
when a baby
moves (see
). Until his movements are strong
enough and he is big enough, his mother
won‘t feel a thing! I should also note that
different women feel fetal movement at
different times. Today some people point to
this old belief as evidence that abortion
used to be accepted,
but using it as a
moral point is outdated and makes no sense
at all.
When the child gets a soul
Quickening and when a child gets a soul
are related arguments. Superstition said that
when the mother started feeling her baby‘s
movements he got his soul.
Even today the Islamic tradition ties
―signs of life‖ (which in the days before
ultrasounds meant movement) with ‗getting
a soul‘. A newspaper article from the Iran
Daily Newspaper
reflected on the morality
of abortion using criteria similar to
quickening. According to the article, the
concern is whether or not the fetus ―has a
soul,‖ which they take to mean ―when signs
of life can be seen in the fetus‖ or, in other
words, he is ―infused with life.‖
claim this doesn‘t happen until week 16 or
18 — which leaves me wondering exactly
what life signs they are looking for, since
Reason #8
shows the fetus is moving,
kicking and thumb-sucking much, much
Even looking at the logic behind it, how
can one
that someone has a soul? You
simply can‘t. It‘s a spiritual presence; not
something you can isolate in a test tube to
confirm. If you believe that a newborn
baby or adult has a soul, but not a fetus,
then you are also relying on a religious
argument, so how can you prove that you
are correct? Conversely, if you believe that
no one has a soul, then how can killing a
fetus be justified? After all, based on that
line of reasoning, you could kill an adult
Since neither you nor I can prove the
existence or absence of the soul, it seems a
dangerous timeframe to guess. However, if
you‘re interested in my belief about the
soul see
Reason #12
Before the fetus moves
We have ultrasound records of the fetus
making her very first movements when
mom is only 6-8 weeks pregnant! (See
Reason #8: If only you could see what she
looked like
When the fetus becomes human
Actually, she is created from human cells
and is a separate human being from
When the fetus looks like a baby
For Deb Andrews, a nurse, an eight-week
fetus wasn‘t a baby, and an abortion at that
stage was no more disturbing to her than
having teeth cleaned at the dentist. But a
fifteen-week fetus had a nose and lips and
ears, and Deb preferred to avoid the rooms
where that fetus was being evacuated from
its mother‘s womb.
—Caught in the Crossfire
I find this quote interesting, in that this
clinic worker felt that early first trimester
abortions were okay because of how the
products of conception looked. She feels
that 15-week abortions were unpleasant
with the fetal parts identifiable but that
there is nothing morally wrong with an 8-
weeks abortion — because of how it
looked. What I‘m wondering is, why she
didn‘t see nose, lips or ears on an 8-week
fetus. I say that because other sources (see
Reason #9
) show that a fetus has those
features; and I‘m wondering whether they
simply disintegrated into fragments of
tissue or whether they were truly not
distinguishable yet. In any case, it‘s
interesting that some people seem to think
that if a younger member of the human
race — after being suctioned down a tube
— does not look like what they think a
newborn infant should look like, then he or
she must not be a person. I would ask,
instead of making the unborn child fit our
definition of a person, how about changing
our mindset of what a human being looks
And for the record, there is no one point
that the fetus suddenly looks like the
picture cute baby — it‘s a moment by
moment process.
At viability
I.e., able to survive without his
mother aka when his lungs mature.
We‘ve given this topic a whole section.
Turn to
Reason #14: So what if the baby
isn‘t viable yet
When the brain begins to develop
I‘m not going to go into this too much here,
but you can turn to
Reason #87:
unborn baby is intelligent
for information
on how and when the brain develops.
Essentially, brainwaves have been detected
as early as 6 weeks, which is much earlier
than most abortions,…which means most
abortions stop both a human brain wave
and heartbeat.
awareness in the intellectual sense is so
important. Why do we judge brain
development to be more important than the
development of the heart, which starts
beating as early as 3 weeks? What message
about priorities could our Creator be
sending us here?
When the mother wants the baby
I‘m sorry, that‘s just wishful thinking.
Reality will not adjust for people‘s
When the baby breathes
Only ignorant people could believe that the
fetus is not a living, beating, and sentient
human being. Breathing, as we do it, is not
required in the womb because there is a
fluid environment instead of air. Although
the fetus breathes in fluid to practice, she
extracts the needed oxygen from her
mother‘s bloodstream via the umbilical
cord. The mechanism for respiration (lungs)
cannot justify a death sentence. So what if
the baby is not independent of oxygen —
we don‘t kill people on respirators because
they can‘t survive without it!
One pro-choicer suggests that since it
was God‘s ‗breath of life‘ that made Adam
alive that the fetus is not alive/ensouled
until he breathes.
Yet the two are not
related. Besides, how do you know it wasn‘t
a spiritual infusion as opposed to a physical
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