4.1.5. Onboard Power
The passenger capsule power system includes an estimated 5,500 lb (2,500 kg)
of batteries to power the capsule systems in addition to the compressor motor
(using 3,400 lb or 1,500 kg of the batteries) and coolant. The battery, motor,
and electronic components cost is estimated to be near $150,000 per capsule in
addition to the cost of the suspension system.
The passenger plus vehicle capsule power system includes an estimated 12,100
lb (5,500 kg) of batteries to power capsule systems in addition to the
compressor motor (using 8,900 lb or 4,000 kg of the batteries) and coolant. The
battery, motor and electronic components cost is estimated to be near
$200,000 per capsule in addition to the cost of the suspension system.
4.1.6. Propulsion
In order to propel the vehicle at the required travel speed, an advanced linear
motor system is being developed to accelerate the capsule above 760 mph
(1,220 kph) at a maximum of 1g for comfort. The moving motor element (rotor)
will be located on the vehicle for weight savings and power requirements while
the tube will incorporate the stationary motor element (stator) which powers
the vehicle. More details can be found in the section 4.3.
Hyperloop Passenger Capsule
The overall propulsion system weight attached to the capsule is expected to be
near 2,900 lb (1,300 kg) including the support and emergency braking system.
The overall cost of the system is targeted to be no more than $125,000. This
brings the total capsule weight near 33,000 lb (15,000 kg) including passenger
and luggage weight.
Hyperloop Passenger Plus Vehicle Capsule
The overall propulsion system weight attached to the capsule is expected to be
near 3,500 lb (1,600 kg) including the support and emergency braking system.
The overall cost of the system is targeted to be no more than $150,000. This
Page 23
brings the total capsule weight near 57,000 lb (26,000) kg including passenger,
luggage, and vehicle weight.
4.1.7. Cost
The overall cost of the Hyperloop passenger capsule version (Table 1) is
expected to be under $1.35 million USD including manufacturing and assembly
cost. With 40 capsules required for the expected demand, the total cost of
capsules for the Hyperloop system should be no more than $54 million USD or
approximately 1% of the total budget.
Although the overall cost of the project would be higher, we have also detailed
the expected cost of a larger capsule (Table 2) which could carry not only
passengers but cargo and cars/SUVs as well. The frontal area of the capsule
would have to be increased to 43 ft
(4 m
) and the tube diameter would be
increased to 10 ft 10 in. (3.3 m).
Table 1. Crew capsule weight and cost breakdown
Vehicle Component
Cost ($)
Weight (kg)
Capsule Structure & Doors:
$ 245,000
Interior & Seats:
$ 255,000
Propulsion System:
$ 75,000
Suspension & Air Bearings:
$ 200,000
Batteries, Motor & Coolant:
$ 150,000
Air Compressor:
$ 275,000
Emergency Braking:
$ 50,000
General Assembly:
$ 100,000
Passengers & Luggage:
$ 1,350,000
Total for Hyperloop:
$ 54,000,000
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Table 2. Cargo and crew capsule weight and cost breakdown
Vehicle Component
Cost ($)
Weight (kg)
Capsule Structure & Doors:
$ 275,000
Interior & Seats:
$ 185,000
Propulsion System:
$ 80,000
Suspension & Air Bearings:
$ 265,000
Batteries, Motor & Coolant:
$ 200,000
Air Compressor:
$ 300,000
Emergency Braking:
$ 70,000
General Assembly:
$ 150,000
Passengers & Luggage:
Car & Cargo:
$ 1,525,000
Total for Hyperloop:
$ 61,000,000
4.2. Tube
The main Hyperloop route consists of a partially evacuated cylindrical tube
that connects the Los Angeles and San Francisco stations in a closed loop
system (Figure 2). The tube is specifically sized for optimal air flow around the
capsule improving performance and energy consumption at the expected travel
speed. The expected pressure inside the tube will be maintained around 0.015
psi (100 Pa, 0.75 torr), which is about 1/6 the pressure on Mars or 1/1000 the
pressure on Earth. This low pressure minimizes the drag force on the capsule
while maintaining the relative ease of pumping out the air from the tube. The
efficiency of industrial vacuum pumps decreases exponentially as the pressure
is reduced (Figure 13), so further benefits from reducing tube pressure would
be offset by increased pumping complexity.
Figure 13. Typical vacuum pump speed for functional pressure range.
In order to minimize cost of the Hyperloop tube, it will be elevated on pillars
which greatly reduce the footprint required on the ground and the size of the
construction area required. Thanks to the small pillar footprint and by
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maintaining the route as close as possible to currently operated highways, the
amount of land required for the Hyperloop is minimized. More details are
available for the route in section 4.4.
The Hyperloop travel journey will feel very smooth since the capsule will be
guided directly on the inner surface of the tube via the use of air bearings and
suspension; this also prevents the need for costly tracks. The capsule will bank
off the walls and include a control system for smooth returns to nominal
capsule location from banking as well. Some specific sections of the tube will
incorporate the stationary motor element (stator) which will locally guide and
accelerate (or decelerate) the capsule. More details are available for the
propulsion system in section 4.3. Between linear motor stations, the capsule
will glide with little drag via air bearings.
4.2.1. Geometry
The geometry of the tube depends on the choice of either the passenger
version of Hyperloop or the passenger plus vehicles version of Hyperloop.
In either case, if the speed of the air passing through the gaps accelerates to
supersonic velocities, then shock waves form. These waves limit how much air
can actually get out of the way of the capsule, building up a column of air in
front of its nose and increasing drag until the air pressure builds up
significantly in front of the capsule.
With the increased drag and additional
mass of air to push, the power requirements for the capsule increase
significantly. It is therefore very important to avoid shock wave formation
around the capsule by careful selection of the capsule/tube area ratio. This
ensures sufficient mass air flow around and through the capsule at all operating
speeds. Any air that cannot pass around the annulus between the capsule and
tube is bypassed using the onboard compressor in each capsule.
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Figure 14. Hyperloop capsule in tube cutaway with attached solar arrays.
Passenger Hyperloop Tube
The inner diameter of the tube is optimized to be 7 ft 4 in. (2.23 m) which is
small enough to keep material cost low while large enough to provide some
alleviation of choked air flow around the capsule. The tube cross-sectional area
is 42.2 ft
(3.91 m
) giving a capsule/tube area ratio of 36% or a diameter ratio
of 60%.
It is critical to the aerodynamics of the capsule to keep this ratio as
large as possible, even though the pressure in the tube is extremely low. As the
capsule moves through the tube, it must displace its own volume of air, in a
loosely similar way to a boat in water. The displacement of the air is
constricted by the walls of the tube, which makes it accelerate to squeeze
through the gaps. Any flow not displaced must be ingested by the onboard
compressor of each capsule, which increases power requirements.
The closed loop tube will be mounted side-by-side on elevated pillars as seen in
Figure 5. The surface above the tubes will be lined with solar panels to provide
the required system energy. This represents a possible area of 14 ft (4.25 m)
wide for more than 350 miles (563 km) of tube length. With an expected solar
panel energy production of 0.015 hp/ft
(120 W/m
), we can expect the system
to produce a maximum of 382,000 hp (285 MW) at peak solar activity. This
would actually be more energy than needed for the Hyperloop system and the
detailed power requirements will be described in section 4.3.
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Passenger Plus Vehicle Hyperloop Tube
The inner diameter of the tube is optimized to be 10 ft 10 in. (3.30 m), larger
than the passenger version to accommodate the larger capsule. The tube cross-
sectional area is 92.1 ft
(8.55 m
) giving a capsule/tube area ratio of 47% or a
diameter ratio of 68%.
The closed passenger plus vehicle Hyperloop tube will be mounted side-by-side
in the same manner as the passenger version as seen in Figure 5. The surface
above the tubes will be lined with solar panels to provide the required system
energy. This represents a possible area of 22 ft (6.6 m) wide for more than 350
miles (563 km) of tube length. With an expected solar panel energy production
of 0.015 hp/ft
), we can expect the system to produce a maximum
of 598,000 hp (446 MW) at peak solar activity. This would actually be more
energy than needed for the passenger plus vehicle Hyperloop system and the
specific power requirements will be detailed in section 4.3.
Station Connections
The stations are isolated from the main tube as much as possible in order to
limit air leaks into the system. In addition, isolated branches and stations off
the main tubes could be built to access some towns along the way between Los
Angeles and San Francisco. Vacuum pumps will run continuously at various
locations along the length of the tube to maintain the required pressure
despite any possible leaks through the joints and stations. The expected cost of
all required vacuum pumps is expected to be no more than $10 million USD.
4.2.2. Tube Construction
In order to keep cost to a minimum, a uniform thickness steel tube reinforced
with stringers was selected as the material of choice for the inner diameter
tube. Tube sections would be pre-fabricated and installed between pillar
supports spaced 100 ft (30 m) on average, varying slightly depending on
location. This relatively short span allows keeping tube material cost and
deflection to a minimum.
The steel construction allows simple welding processes to join different tube
sections together. A specifically designed cleaning and boring machine will
make it possible to surface finish the inside of the tube and welded joints for a
better gliding surface. In addition, safety emergency exits and pressurization
ports will be added in key locations along the length of the tube.
Passenger Hyperloop Tube
A tube wall thickness between 0.8 and 0.9 in. (20 to 23 mm) is necessary to
provide sufficient strength for the load cases considered in this study. These
cases included, but were not limited to, pressure differential, bending and
Page 28
buckling between pillars, loading due to the capsule weight and acceleration,
as well as seismic considerations.
The cost of the tube is expected to be less than $650 million USD, including
pre-fabricated tube sections with stringer reinforcements and emergency exits.
The support pillars and joints which will be detailed in section 4.2.3.
Passenger Plus Vehicle Hyperloop Tube
The tube wall thickness for the larger tube would be between 0.9 and 1.0 in
(23 to 25 mm). Tube cost calculations were also made for the larger diameter
tube which would allow usage of the cargo and vehicle capsule in addition to
the passenger capsule. In this case, the cost of the tube is expected to be less
than $1.2 billion USD. Since the spacing between pillars would not change and
the pillars are more expensive than the tube, the overall cost increase is kept
to a minimum.
4.2.3. Pylons and Tunnels
The tube will be supported by pillars which constrain the tube in the vertical
direction but allow longitudinal slip for thermal expansion as well as dampened
lateral slip to reduce the risk posed by earthquakes. In addition, the pillar to
tube connection nominal position will be adjustable vertically and laterally to
ensure proper alignment despite possible ground settling. These minimally
constrained pillars to tube joints will also allow a smoother ride. Specially
designed slip joints at stations will be able to take any tube length variance
due to thermal expansion. This is an ideal location for the thermal expansion
joints as the speed is much lower nearby the stations. It thus allows the tube to
be smooth and welded along the high speed gliding middle section.
The spacing of the Hyperloop pillars retaining the tube is critical to achieve the
design objective of the tube structure. The average spacing is 100 ft (30 m),
which means there will be roughly 25,000 pillars supporting both Hyperloop
tubes and overhead solar panels. The pillars will be 20 ft (6 m) tall whenever
possible but may vary in height in hilly areas or where obstacles are in the way.
Also, in some key areas, the spacing will have to vary in order to pass over
roads or other obstacles. Small spacing between each support reduces the
deflection of the tube keeping the capsule steadier and the journey more
enjoyable. In addition, reduced spacing has increased resistance to seismic
loading as well as the lateral acceleration of the capsule.
Due to the sheer quantity of pillars required, reinforced concrete was selected
as the construction material due to its very low cost per volume. In some short
areas, tunneling may be required to avoid going over mountains and to keep
the route as straight as possible. The cost for the pillar construction and tube
joints is anticipated to be no more than $2.55 billion USD for the passenger
version tube and $3.15 billion USD for the passenger plus vehicle version tube.
Page 29
The expected cost for the tunneling is expected to be no more than $600
million USD for the smaller diameter tube and near $700 million USD for the
larger diameter tube.
Structural simulations (Figure 15 through Figure 20) have demonstrated the
capability of the Hyperloop to withstand atmospheric pressure, tube weight,
earthquakes, winds, etc. Dampers will be incorporated between the pylons and
tubes to isolate movements in the ground from the tubes.
Figure 15. First mode shape of Hyperloop at 2.71Hz (magnified x1500).
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Figure 16. Second mode shape of Hyperloop at 3.42Hz (magnified x1500).
Figure 17. Deformation at 1g Inertia in X (in.) (magnified x10).
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Figure 18. Maximum principal stress at 1g Inertia in X (psi) (magnified x10).
Figure 19. Minimum principal stress at 1g Inertia in X (psi) (magnified x10).
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Figure 20. Maximum shear stress at 1g Inertia in X (psi) (magnified x10).
4.2.4. Station Construction
Hyperloop stations are intended to be minimalist but practical with a boarding
process and layout much simpler than airports.
Due to the short travel time and frequent departures, it is envisaged that there
will be a continual flow of passengers through each Hyperloop station, in
contrast to the pulsed situation at airports which leads to lines and delays.
Safety and security are paramount, and so security checks will still be made in
a similar fashion as TSA does for the airport. The process could be greatly
streamlined to reduce wait time and maintain a more continuous passenger
All ticketing and baggage tracking for the Hyperloop will be handled
electronically, negating the need for printing boarding passes and luggage
labels. Since Hyperloop travel time is very short, the main usage is more for
commuting than for vacations. There would be a luggage limit of 2 bags per
person, for no more than 110 lb (50 kg) in total. Luggage would be stowed in a
separate compartment at the rear of the capsule, in a way comparable to the
overhead bins on passenger aircraft. This luggage compartment can be
removed from the capsule, so that the process of stowing and retrieving
luggage can be undertaken separately from embarking or disembarking the
capsule’s passenger cabin. In addition, Hyperloop staff will take care of loading
and unloading passenger luggage in order to maximize efficiency.
The transit area at a Hyperloop terminal would be a large open area with two
large airlocks signifying the entry and exit points for the capsules. An arriving
capsule would enter the incoming airlock, where the pressure is equalized with
Page 33
the station, before being released into the transit area. The doors of the
capsule would open allowing the passengers to disembark. The luggage pod
would be quickly unloaded by the Hyperloop staff or separated from the
capsule so that baggage retrieval would not interfere with the capsule
Once vacated, the capsule would be rotated on a turntable, and aligned for re-
entry into the Hyperloop tube. The departing passengers, and their pre-loaded
luggage pod, would then enter the capsule. A Hyperloop attendant would next
perform a safety check of the seat belt of each passenger before the capsule is
cleared for departure. At this point the capsule would then be moved forward
into the exit airlock, where the pressure is lowered to the operating level of
the Hyperloop, and then sent on its way. Note that loading and unloading
would occur in parallel with up to three capsules at a given station at any time.
The expected cost for each station is around $125 million for a total of $250
million USD initially.
4.2.5. Cost
The overall cost of the tube, pillars, vacuum pumps and stations is thus
expected to be around $4.06 billion USD for the passenger version of the
Hyperloop. This does not include the cost of the propulsion linear motors or
solar panels. The tube represents approximately 70% of the total budget.
The larger 10 ft 10 in. (3.3 m) tube would allow the cargo and vehicle capsules
to fit at a total cost including the tube, pillars, vacuum pumps, and stations
around $5.31 billion USD. This minimal cost increase would allow a much more
versatile Hyperloop system.
4.3. Propulsion
The propulsion system has the following basic requirements:
Accelerate the capsule from 0 to 300 mph (480 kph) for relatively low
speed travel in urban areas.
Maintain the capsule at 300 mph (480 kph) as necessary, including during
ascents over the mountains surrounding Los Angeles and San Francisco.
To accelerate the capsule from 300 to 760 mph (480 to 1,220 kph) at 1G
at the beginning of the long coasting section along the I-5 corridor.
To decelerate the capsule back to 300 mph (480 kph) at the end of the I-
5 corridor.
The Hyperloop as a whole is projected to consume an average of 28,000 hp (21
MW). This includes the power needed to make up for propulsion motor
efficiency (including elevation changes), aerodynamic drag, charging the
batteries to power on-board compressors, and vacuum pumps to keep the tube
evacuated. A solar array covering the entire Hyperloop is large enough to
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provide an annual average of 76,000 hp (57 MW), significantly more than the
Hyperloop requires.
Since the peak powers of accelerating and decelerating capsules are up to 3
times the average power, the power architecture includes a battery array at
each accelerator. These arrays provide storage of excess power during non-
peak periods that can be used during periods of peak usage. Power from the
grid is needed only when solar power is not available.
This section details a large linear accelerator, capable of the 300 to 760 mph
(480 to 1,220 kph) acceleration at 1G. Smaller accelerators appropriate for
urban areas and ascending mountain ranges can be scaled down from this
The Hyperloop uses a linear induction motor to accelerate and decelerate the
capsule. This provides several important benefits over a permanent magnet
Lower material cost – the rotor can be a simple aluminum shape, and
does not require rare-earth elements.
Lighter capsule.
Smaller capsule dimensions.
The lateral forces exerted by the stator on the rotor though low at 0.9 lb
(13 N/m) are inherently stabilizing. This simplifies the problem of keeping the
rotor aligned in the air gap.
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