Academic Essay Samples
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9- Some people believe that internet users may finally end up addicted
to the net.
Do you agree with this opinion? Why?
Some time ago I heard that an "internet-crazed" woman was arrested for
neglecting her three young children. The woman reportedly spent 12 hours
straight online, while her hungry kids were locked away in one room so she
could be online without interruption. The three kids were placed in county
custody while the mother was tossed in jail.
The Internet is rapidly becoming an addictive source to a lot of its users.
Users of the Internet include students, housewives, and business
professionals. Some of these Internet users spend a minimum of thirty-eight
hours per week on the "net"; hence, losing touch with reality and reeking
havoc on their studies, family lives or careers. Individuals such as these are
classified as "Internet Addicts.
First they turn to users who try to convince themselves that they are not
addicted to the Internet. Next, they change into users who make convenient
excuses to use the Internet like mothers who claim they have to visit the
website of their children’s school in order to read the highlights of the last PTA
meeting. And finally they become the "Internet junkies". These users neither
sneak online nor make excuses to get online. They put their lives on hold to
get online. The mother I mentioned at the beginning of the essay is an
example of an Internet junky. These three stages all happen surreptitiously
without us sensing their occurrence and we only find out after we have
become addicted to the internet.
In conclusion, I believe we must be wary of the problems that the Internet can
cause; therefore, we must avoid indulging ourselves in browsing the World
Wide Web.
(273 words)
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