“Ilm fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida” mavzusidagi 9
“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida” mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi 7
terminals are not removed. In order to better equalize the stresses remaining in the
rails after the rails have been hung out on rollers or mounted on sliding pairs, the rails
are additionally shaken with a percussion device. In the course of work, the actual
temperature of the rails along their length is measured and the full change in the
length of the braid at the ends is monitored, as well as the uniformity of stress
distribution along the length of the braid - by shifting the marks on the bottom of the
rail over the "beacon" sleepers. When hanging strings on rollers regardless of the
design of fasteners and when installing paired plates at all fasteners, except KB, work
on the discharge of thermal stresses should be carried out in the "window" with the
fencing of the place of work with stop signals in the following sequence. [2]
One or two days before the "window" calculate the amount of change the
expected air temperature on the day of the "window" and prepare the corresponding
shortened (or lengthened) equalizing rails. Then the method and technology of the
works are chosen depending on the length of the rail-track, the duration of the
"window" for the works and the manpower. The method of one-sided unloading of
strings is usually is usually used when the length of ties is less than 500-600 m and
the calculated elongation is up to 180-200 mm. On the day of the "window" on
"beacon" sleepers every 50 m apply temporary risks to monitor the uniformity of
discharge stresses along the length of the string; joints replaceable equalizing rails
remove the fifth and sixth joint bolts and put on the remaining bolts additional
washers. [2].
Literature: 1.
Л.В. Киселева, С.В. Васильев, Т.В. Гаранина. Климатология и
метеорология на железнодорожном транспорте: Учебник для вузов. - М.: УМК
МПС России, 2002. - 189 с. ISBN 5-89035-057-9
2. Крейнис З.Л. Пособие монтеру пути. Профессиональная подготовка
монтеров пути 2-6-го разрядов. 2-е изд. - М.: ООО «Издательский дом
«Автограф»; Издательство «Маршрут», 2017. - 685 с. ISBN 978-5-906088-39-0