“Ilm-fan muammolari yosh tadqiqotchilar talqinida” mavzusidagi 9-sonli respublika ilmiy konferensiyasi 15
- P65 - 400 million tons gross (link track) and 470 million tons gross
(continuous track);
- P75 - 470 mln tons gross (chain track) and 530 mln tons gross (continuous
If old-age rails refer to the passed tonnage to I or II suitability groups (see Table
1), and other indicators exceed the limit values for these groups (except for lateral
wear), then the final suitability group of old-age rails is established in accordance
with these indicators. For example, if passed tonnage on heat-strengthened rails
(jointless track) was 500 million tons gross, then the rail is referred to the I group of
suitability. If lateral wear of the head equals 8 mm, the rail is referred to the II group
of suitability. The suitability group of this rail is set by the indicator of lateral wear of
the head. Local deformations in the form of saddles, creases, wear, dents and
distortions are determined by measuring the gap with feelers between the
corresponding surface of the rail head and a ruler length of 1 m, laid on the rail. Rail
height, vertical and lateral wear are measured with a caliper with an accuracy of 0.05
mm. The magnitude of vertical and lateral wear is defined as the difference between
the nominal size of new and old rail. Vertical wear is measured along the axis of
symmetry of the rails, lateral - at a distance of 13 mm from the rolling surface of the
rail head. For measurements use track caliper PSHV TU2-034-655-83.
Rail twist is determined by the gap between the rack and the edge of the sole at
each end of the rail in the position of the rail on the rack "standing on the sole". The
gap is determined by feeler gauges. Group IV of suitability (scrap) include:
- rails type P43 and lighter;
- Rails with a usable length of less than 6 m;
- Rails with lateral wear exceeding 18 mm;
- rails that do not belong to the I and II suitability groups. [2].
Literature: 1.
Крейнис З.Л. Пособие монтеру пути. Профессиональная подготовка
монтеров пути 2-6-го разрядов. 2-е изд. - М.: ООО «Издательский дом
«Автограф»; Издательство «Маршрут», 2017. - 685 с. ISBN 978-5-906088-39-0