Language: English
Bulekbaeva, Sh. (2021). The formation of students’ communicative and cognitive competencies as a
focal pedagogical problem. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 09 (101), 607-613.
Scopus ASCC: 3304. Introduction UDC.494.375.494.342 The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
states as follows: “One of the urgent tasks before
everyone is to bring up our children as independent
thinkers, modern professionals, with a strong life
position and people devoted to their country” [8,16].
One of the main principles of the state policy is to
educate a spiritually mature and intellectually
developed person taking into account his/her
personality, aspirations, abilities and interests. In the
process of education, the top priority is given to the
establishment of teacher-student cooperation, the
transformation of the student into a main subject of
education and the development of students’ speech
culture through their understanding and careful study
of the means of expression in their native language.
The key reason of this is a lack of interconnection
between grammar and its use in speech in Uzbek
language lessons, and students’ inability to apply their
knowledge in speech acts even if their enough
mastery in knowing grammatical rules. It is common
knowledge that the speech culture of each student is
directly related to his/her communicative activity in
language education.
Today, the terms “communication” and
“communicative” are widely used not only in
linguistics, but also in other fields of science. We
believe that the linguistic meaning of the word
“communicative” is “attitude” or “perception through
language”. We rely on such definition because we
think that the continuous improvement of each
student's speech culture is directly related to the
development of learning and communicative speech
In recent years, UNESCO has promoted the idea
of expanding the use of information
communication technologies in education and put it as
one of the top priorities of their main activities [7, 7].
The concept of “communicative” goes back to the
1960’s of the last century and began to be widely used
in the study of Kazakh and Uzbek linguistics.
A number of sources explain the term
differently. For example:
Communication is a process of the exchange of
information in various human interactions. The main
elements that help to lead or organize the act of
communication are as follows: the source or