Research and development costs •
Research costs – charge all costs to the statement of profit or loss.
Development costs may be capitalised as an intangible asset only after the technical and
commercial feasibility of the asset for sale or use have been established. The entity must
demonstrate how the asset will generate future economic benefits.
Internally generated brands, customer lists, etc. These should not be recognised as assets.
Computer software If purchased, this may be capitalised. If internally generated, whether for sale or for use, it should be
charged as an expense until technical and commercial feasibility has been established.
Other types of cost The following items must be charged to expenses in the when incurred, not classed as intangible
internally generated goodwill
start-up costs
training costs
advertising and promotional costs
relocation costs.
Initial measurement Intangible assets are initially measured at cost.
Measurement subsequent to acquisition
Similarly to tangible non-current assets, an entity must choose either the cost model or the revaluation
model for each class of intangible asset.
Cost model After initial recognition, intangible assets should be carried at cost less accumulated amortisation
(depreciation) and impairment losses.
Revaluation model Intangible assets may be carried at a revalued amount (based on fair value) less any subsequent
amortisation and impairment losses, only if fair value can be determined by reference to an active
market. In the case of intangible assets, it is unlikely that such markets will exist.
International Accounting Standards
Classification based on useful life
Intangible assets are classified as having either an indefinite life or a finite life.