Conclusion on the first chapter 1. The case of phraseological unit can be divided into two groups. The first group, the most numerous, includes phraseological unit of the highest level of phraseological abstraction. There is a gap in the phraseological unit data between the idiom value and the value of its components. Such phraseological units are obviously formed with the development of their classical sign functions, achieving high mobility in terms of syntaxes. The second group consists of phraseological unit with a less high level of phraseological abstraction. The literal values of the components are partially isomorphic to the portable values. The cases of the re-motivations of phraseological units of this group show that their knowledge is connected with both worlds of experience - metaphorical and prototypical.
2. In the system - language description of phraseological unit, presented as signs of secondary predication, defining the signs of matter, serving the names of events, facts, actions and states, in those areas where properties, states, events are interpreted, interpreted through facial properties.
3. Phraseological units are linguistic signs of a special kind and are endowed with a number of features that distinguish them from other linguistic signs, such as, for example, a word and free combinations of words (often an incomplete comparative turn). These features basically boil down to the following: 1) Phraseological units, unlike lexical unit, is complex, separate language education; 2) in contrast to the free verbal complex, phraseological units have the maximum degree of phraseological stability, the main indicators of which are: the stability of use; the stability of the lexical composition, allowing the substitution of phraseological unit components only within the limits of phraseological variation; morphological stability, manifested in the presence of components in the phraseological unit with zero or incomplete paradigm; 3) from the free combinations of the words phraseological unit distinguishes their reproducibility in completed form.
4. Phraseological unit and their lexical synonyms express their meaning in different ways. Lexical units are used in their literal meanings, while phraseological unit’s components completely lose their literal meanings and acquire a holistic intensifying meaning as a result of expressive rethinking, which in some phraseological group proceeds as a process of metaphorizing the value of a phraseological prototype.
5. As with any linguistic sign, the phraseology necessarily reflects certain aspects of the conceptual picture of the world, or knowledge about the world, which, in turn, are structured in the mind of a native speaker in the form of prototypes and frames. The designation of a certain fragment of reality occurs in the phraseology by establishing a similarity and similarity between the new content and the properties of the prototype of the phraseology or between the new content and the typed situation fixed in the language picture of the world, which is expressed by the internal form of the phraseology as a frame.
Consequently, the process of the formation of meaning is a conceptualization and verbalization of the surrounding reality, and FUs are signs for the everyday and everyday naive picture of the world, which reflect the knowledge and experience of the people.
6. Phraseology do not describe the world, but interpret it and are created in order to express the subjective and, as a rule, emotionally colored attitude of the speaker to the world. Thus, we can assume that phraseological units are anthropometric signs.