2.1. Discourse analysis in the study of the pragmatic-communicative parameters of phraseological unit in context-discursive conditions………….30 2.2. The cognitive model of the event as a tool for understanding phraseology in narrative discourse……………………………………………………………51 CHAPTER III. DISCURSIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHRASEOLOGY…………………………………………………….………….66 3.1 Phraseology as a sign of illocution………………………………...………..66 3.2. Phraseology of the illocutionary force of an utterance...............................71 Conclusion on the third chapter…………………..…………………………….77 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................79 REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………83
Introduction Actuality of this research work. President of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev a number of times reiterated to develop the quality of education. In this regard, Sh.M.Mirziyoyev noted as follows: “Nothing can develop a country as high as sports and education. High competence of our youth determines the bright future of our country, in this turn the quality of education must be provided from the early stages of childhood. That is why the role of pre-school education is vital in developing the system of education”1. As it is stated above, the issue of teaching and learning foreign languages in early stages of children has been put forward and in this regard, several presidential resolutions have been adopted to further increase the quality of education which can compete with the standards of world education system. Such demands should on the personnel who teach and investigate foreign languages increase the responsibility double-folded. This work is determined not only by the fact that at the previous stages of phraseological unit, insufficient attention was paid. Simple observations prove that phraseological contexts, as a rule, represent the “moments of revelation” of participants of communication, its emotional peak.
Necessity of knowing to reveal different communicates in expression. The problem of the intensity category and the various means of its expression in the language have long attracted the attention of many researchers English is undeniable. For this, a successful use of English researches should obtain of intensity in the context of expressiveness is found in many works Sergeeva 1967, Arnold 1975, Galkina – Fedoruk 1958, Malinovic 1989, Telia 1996. The idea of quantitative gradations is emphasized by I.I. Sushchinsky, who defines gain - “potentiation” followed by I. Ubin .1974 as a semantic category reflecting a certain part of objectively existing quantitative gradations2.
Phraseology of K.M .Suvorin3 considers the “particular manifestation of the category of quantity”. “By intensity,” indicates L.Ya. Gerasimova, “is understood as an expression of amplification, one of the types of quantitative characteristics of a trait, a process ... “4. “category of phraseology,” writes E.I. Sheigal, “denoting an approximate quantitative assessment of quality, is a particular manifestation of the category of quantity, namely, its side, which is characterized as a non-discrete (indefinite) quantity ...”5. Y I.I. We find Turanian: “category of phraseology is a semantic category based on the concept of quantity gradation in the broad sense of the word.