The Deadline Pressure of a Legal Translation Understanding the nature of meaningful legal notions (anlayış), and verifying these, often take up a lot of time. Naturally, the legal translation provider wants to do a good job, but can only do so much within a given time frame.
Linguistic subtleties are in play, when a translation is made, which means having a deep understanding of the legal systems in question, the specific contexts of the societies of the parties, and more.
The Problem of “Untranslatable” Concepts Untranslatable – tərcümə edilə bilməyən Certain legal expressions, so specific to their area, are judged "untranslatable" because the legal concepts underlying them are so different. For example, the concept of “habeas corpus” that is found in the U.S. and U.K does not exist in other countries, or refers to something different.
Another example is the term “consideration” used in contracts under American Common Law. This essential concept that is a standard part of many American contracts cannot be translated into another language without an in-depth explanation.
Consideration – mülahizə, müzakirə Essential – vacib in-depth - comprehensive and thorough Legalese and Regional Variations Legal verbiage can also vary significantly between one country and another. As is the case for the legal languages of France, Quebec, Wallonia, Senegal and other French-speaking areas.
There is variation even among legal languages at the regional level, which are tied to the formality and structure of the legal systems, the vocabularies, and the legal expressions.
Legal languages also reflect the different cultures, and political, economic, and social histories of the community.
The term "Jurisprudencia" does not have the same legal meaning in Mexico as it does in Spain, just as "consideration" is not the same in Connecticut as it is in London.
Grammar, Punctuation and Terminologies in Notarized Translation Beyond the words, punctuation, within the context of grammar, can also change meanings. As is also the case of terminologies used within the field, which seek to convey nuance, and clarify ambiguities.
As clarity is the goal; knowing the translator understands how grammar, punctuation and knowledge of terminologies interplay with each other, is the secret to a good certified translation.
Legal Concepts Because legal concepts have effects within the system/s, explanations within the translated text are sometimes necessary. This enables all parties affected by the systems of laws to have a notion of what legal effects may happen.
Fluency Fluency is key, so that the meaning of the legal languages, terminologies concepts, systems, etc. between the two societies may be understood by all parties.
Still, even advanced knowledge of a certain language does not guarantee a successful translation. Understanding subtleties while having an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter being translated is what makes a real difference.
So what to look for in getting legal translation? Plenty of experience in translation, a strong knowledge of the legal languages in question, are two indicators of how to acquire a good legal translation.