Distinction between Administration and Management Administration Management 1. It is concerned with the formation of
1. It means getting things done through and
with objectives, plans and policies.
2. It is a thinking function.
2. It is a doing function
3. It is a top- level management function.
3. It is a lower –level management functions.
4. It makes major policy decisions.
4. It makes decisions with the frame work of
5. Decisions are influenced by external
5. Decisions are influenced by internal factors
factors such as social, political, legal etc.
such as values, beliefs, and opinions.
6. Administration is often associated with
6. Management is widely used in the business.
government policies.
1.7 Managerial Skills : A skill is an acquired and learned ability to translate knowledge into performance. It is the
competency of a person that allows his performance to be superior. All managers need to possess
various skills which are necessary to carry at their jobs successfully.
(i) Technical skills : Technical skills are necessary to accomplish or understand the
specific kind of working done in an organisation. The persons who are working with
tools and techniques are needed such skill. Ex: Engineers, Scientists , Computer
programmers etc. Technical skills are essential for first line managers who spend their
time in training their subordinates and clear their doubts regarding were.
(ii) Human skills : Human skill is the ability to work with other people in a cooperative
manner. Human skill are essential to hence effective team work in the organisation. It
involves patience, understanding trust and genuine involvement in interpersonal
(iii) Analytical skills : These skills are essential to identify key factors and to understand
the interrelate roles they play in a given situation. Analytical skills help a manager to
establish cause and effect relationship. These skills also help a manager for problem
identifying, solving and decisicu making.