Shu kabi Karkasli uslublar uy devorlarini nafaqat yengil proyektlash va
shu bilan birgalikda uylarni yer qimirlashidan saqlashda ham Xitoy
me’morchiligida asosiy o‘rin tutgan. Unga Xitoydagi Shimoliy Shansi
provinsiyasida joylashgan yog‘och karkasli, balandligi 60 m boigan
History o f Architecture A.D. F.HamJin. A. M. Professor o f tbe history o f Architecture in the school o f Architecture,
COLUMBIA, UNIVERSIRYJ998 SEVENTH EDITION. P.202-203 ( М ш Д О architecture is an architectural
stvle developed by the MughaJs in die 16th, 17(fa and 18th centuries throughout the ever changing extent o f their
empire in Medieval India. It was an amalgam o f Islamic. Persian, andlndian architecture. Mughal buildings have a
uniform pattern o f structure and character, including large bulbous domes, slender minarets at the comers, massive
halls, large vaulted gateways and delicate ornamentation. Ehamples o f the style can be found in India, Afghanistan,
Bangladesh and Pakistan. Tbe Mughal dynasty was established after the victory o f Babur at Panipat in 1526. During
his five-year reign, Babur took considerable interest in erecting buildings, though few have survived. His
grandson Akbar built widely, and the style developed vigorously during his reign. Among his accomplishments
were Humavun's ТотЫ Тог his father), Agra Fort, the fort-city o f Fatehour Sikri. and the Buland Danvaza. Akbar's
son jahangircommissioned the Shalimar Gaidens in Kashmir.)
Budda machitini misol keltirishimiz mumkin. TTTu ko‘rinishida 900
yildan ortiq vaqt mobaynida hozirgacha yaxshi saqlanib kelmoqda. Toia
kompozitsiyaga ega boigan qadimgi Xitoy me’morchiligi ko‘pchilik
uylar ansamblida ko‘rinadi. Xitoyda yakka tartibdagi uylami qurishga
ruxsat berilmagan. Bu singari qurilishlar saroy va alohida qurilishlar
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