Management and marketing

Proposals and recommendations for the development of e-

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3.2 Proposals and recommendations for the development of e-
commerce business processes and means of payment of Premium NGO (LLC)
As noted above, NCO "Premium" (LLC) was created as a credit institution that meets the need for the implementation of the System The Payment Service "TelePay" is a ready-made information technology solution for the issue and circulation of electronic money within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The organization operates in a highly competitive market, and has a relatively small share in it, nevertheless, it already fulfills its main commercial tasks, meets the requirements of the regulator and strives not only to increase financial indicators, but also to take care of the qualitative growth of its services.
Since obtaining the License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a lot
of work has been done, which allowed us to offer the Customers of the TelePay System –payers (individuals) a modern tool for making online transfers – TelePay Online.
In accordance with the terminology of Russian legislation, we have two different concepts – "electronic money" (EDS) and "electronic means of payment" (ESP). Despite their close intertwining within the same System (after all, without the electronic money of the operator of the EDS – NGO
"Premium" (LLC), there would be no electronic wallet "TelePay Online" – as
a means of payment, as well as without a wallet, there would be no need to
establish an NGO), it is possible to distinguish the basic, in-system and external
to the "TelePay" System, the ways of developing the use of the EDS of the NGO
"Premium" (LLC). These ways are complementary to each other and will be implemented by the management of the NGO consistently and in a balanced manner, based on the realities of the market. The study of the domestic practice of introducing electronic money as a financial product, as well as electronic means of payment, allowed us to determine the directions of development of the services of the NGO "Premium" (LLC).
In the basic part, we will highlight the following areas of development: Ensuring the recapitalization of NPOs due to the changed requirements for the authorized capital (the authorized capital at the time of the organization's creation was formed in the amount of 18,000,000 (Eighteen million) rubles, by July 01, 2019, the authorized capital of a non-bank credit institution must be at least 90,000,000 (Ninety million) rubles; Ensuring the legal security of the EMF circulation by monitoring the changing legislation and the requirements of the regulator, and timely bringing into compliance with the current norms of internal regulations and Rules of EMF and ESP, the compliance system of NGOs.
- Increasing the level of technical equipment of NGOs in order to increase performance indicators. (This item implies both the purchase of additional equipment to increase the level of fault tolerance of the System, and the purchase of specialized software, for example, cryptography, SWIFT, etc.)
- Ensuring the professional development of employees of the organization.
= Minimization of liquidity risks.
Directions of development that can be described as"suprasystem" in relation to "TelePay", and which will be implemented without involving the resource of the operator of the specified system:
Development of correspondent relations with various credit organizations of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the conversion of the EMF of NCO
"Premium" with the EMF of other electronic payment systems. This will allow
expand the possibilities of depositing and withdrawing funds of NPOs for
payers. Development and implementation of co-branded products (together with
banks of the Russian Federation), which will allow replenishment of the EDS of NCO Premium (LLC) from prepaid cards of international payment systems issued by partner banks "linked" to wallets.

Conclusion of information technology cooperation agreements with the largest federal service providers, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other service operators, payment to which involves a mandatory procedure for identifying the payer.

- Involvement of bank payment agents (BPA), including agents of third-party payment acceptance systems (gateway agents), primarily in order to expand the address program of replenishment points EDS NGO "Premium" (LLC). And also, in the case when the BPA has the status of an Operator for accepting payments in Rosfinmonitoring, its own hardware and software complex with an individual
interface, there is the possibility of cooperation to create a system of wallets of such an operator based on the EDS of NPO Premium (LLC).
All issues related to the emission, circulation, conversion of EMF are currently in the full-scale competence of the NGO "Premium" (LLC) and are "suprasystem" in relation to "TelePay". However, issues related to marketing and promotion, as well as information interaction with paying Customers, currently lie in the plane of the work of TelePay as a Payment Service System. Intra-system development directions:
- Formation of a marketing-oriented structure that coordinates the activities of all structural divisions of NGOs
"Premium" (LLC), the System operator and third parties (Participants Systems that have joined based on the Rules).
- Development, modernization and implementation of various ESP showcases –
User wallets. This is a website , mobile applications made on current platforms, wallet interface on payment terminals, etc.
- Provision of separate payment instruments for the wallet as an electronic means of payment (for example, the possibility of replenishment from a bank card issued by any Russian bank).
Development of an API (a cross-platform solution for integrating the EDS payment button of the NGO "Premium" (LLC) on websites) for online stores,
HOA, and other service providers interested in this form of interaction.
- Information technology support aimed at supporting Customer-User loyalty.
- The use of elements of a communication policy aimed at the consumer: personal sale, PR; advertising (informational, prestigious, reminiscent, etc.); network advertising on the Internet.
- Application of product-oriented marketing tools taking into account the service life cycle: at the stage of promotion of an electronic service, the main task of the strategy will be to inform the consumer about a new product to generate initial demand; at the stage of expanding demand, it uses electronic services taking into account the individual capabilities of the consumer;
At the stage of demand reduction, the service is modified in order to maintain the level of customer demand.
Integrated approach to the client through one or more information channels of service provision (telephone, Internet, cell phone) taking into account the individual technological and financial capabilities of the client.
Using a comprehensive solution for customer service in systems:
- Application of pricing policy tools: discounts, bonuses, etc.
- Purposeful activity to preserve the customer database, improving the service culture.
The implementation of development in these areas will ensure a gradual but stable growth in the turnover of the EDS of NPO Premium (LLC). The main, but not the most profitable direction of the NGO's activity is the emission of EMF and the provision of an opportunity for payers to use electronic means of payment.
Currently, in the Chechen Republic, together with a bank payment agent of an NGO and an aggregator of regional services – JSC "Vainakh Pay" – the project of the first republican electronic wallet "Vainakh Wallet" is being implemented ( ). The app is available for all mobile devices (Android, iPhone). The wallet is replenished at all sales offices of the national telecom operator "Vainakh Telecom".
The operator of electronic funds for this project is the NGO "Premium" (LLC), – the domain also belongs to a credit institution. Partners from JSC "Vainakh Pay" initiated the project, purchased separately the software core and customized applications from the developer "SoftLogic", purchased
the necessary equipment for processing and leased it to NGOs. Also, JSC "Vainakh Pay" as an aggregator, having direct contracts for accepting payments with regional housing and communal services providers, provides Customers with the opportunity to make payments to these suppliers via the EDS of NPO Premium (LLC) – Schemes 3,4, Table 9.

Scheme 3 – Levels of cooperation of NGO "Premium" (LLC) with a partner of JSC

"Vainakh Pay" within the framework of the e-wallet project

Scheme 4 – Cash flow within the framework of the electronic

wallet project "Vainah Wallet"
Table 9 shows the calculation of the main costs for the implementation of the project by participants.
Table 9 – Basic costs for the implementation
of the "Vainah Wallet" E-wallet project, in rubles

The main items of current monthly expenses for the implementation of the electronic wallet project in Chechnya are presented in Table 10.

Table 10 – Estimated average values of regular project costs, in rubles per month

In 2019, a significant increase in users of electronic wallets in the Chechen Republic is expected. The interest in the service is great, the largest regional telecom operator "Vainakh Telecom" has been attracted to the promotion by the partner.
Since the combat launch (February-March 2019), about 450 active wallets have been registered and are operating. In February, their turnover amounted to 350 thousand rubles, in March – more than 500 thousand rubles.
The estimated dynamics of turnover growth during 2019 is shown in Table 11. When calculating the dynamics, coefficients were used that take into account seasonal fluctuations in the payment market, which were identifiedтbased on the analysis of the turnover of the TelePay Payment Service System and the Service "TelePay Online" in the period from 2013 to 2018. And also the schedule of the events planned by the partner for promotion was taken into account.
Table 11 – Estimated average values of regular project costs, in rubles per month

At the stage of the introduction of the new core of the electronic wallet , a new gateway for the validation of personal data of customers was tested and put into operation in April 2019, which is designed to provide an up-to-date technology for simplified identification, through the interaction f the processing of NPOs with the SMEV (System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction) GIS GMP. To expand the wallet limit, it is enough to enter the data of two documents (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and no. SNILS, or TIN number), the system sends a request to GIS GMP and receives information confirming the identity of this user, on the basis of which,109 The wallet is assigned the status of "identified". Prior to the introduction, the simplified identification procedure took place by sending the client certified copies of the passport, SNILS/INN, application by Russian Post. It was inconvenient, long and costly. Many customers refused to use the service due to the complicated procedure of expanding the limits.
Due to the growth of the customer base, simplification of the identification procedure and expansion of user limits, it is planned to start
In 2020, to ensure turnover in electronic wallets "Vainah Wallet",which allows you to step over the break-even point and reach the payback of the project.
The prospects for the development of the ESP of NPO Premium (LLC have significant potential, which is slowly being revealed due to limited resources (primarily personnel, technology). To date, the company does not
seek to compete with market leaders, it performs certain functions to ensure the turnover of EMF in the Payment Service System.
The science of the XXI century cannot predict the limit of the development of digital information technologies. What seemed to be fiction at the end of the last century has become the everyday reality of the present, what seems unthinkable today will be embodied in the future. Thanks to the worldwide network and program codes, you can communicate with your interlocutors, even if they are on the other side of the planet. They will understand each other by speaking different languages. Already now they can exchange not only words, that is , sound, but also visual information, video content. The technical capabilities of the gadgets in our hands in many ways exceed our needs and knowledge about the targeted possibilities of using these tools. The same postulates can be applied to the use of electronic money and electronic means of payment.
And such a broad philosophical view of the issue, which, it would seem, lies in the plane of economics, is quite appropriate. Due to the processes of globalization and informatization, branch sciences are forced to converge. The modern approach to any problem is a synergy of knowledge.E—commerce is a commercial activity aimed at making a profit and based on the integrated automation of the commercial cycle through the use of computer networks . The economic prerequisite of e-commerce is the objective need to reduce the costs arising in commercial cycles.
The rapid development of Internet services has become a technical prerequisite for e-commerce.
The legal basis of e-commerce is regulatory legal acts that provide legal regulation of electronic transactions in our country. For the buyer, one of the main advantages of e-commerce is a significant time saving for obtaining information about the product, its choice.
Companies engaged in e-commerce receive a number of advantages in comparison with enterprises of "real" business. Let's list them:
- expansion of the sales market with the prospect of entering foreign
- availability around the clock; automation of marketing information collection using CRM systems (CRM, Customer Relationship Management –customer relationship management). Any visitor to the site leaves some information about himself (from which site he came and which one he left, etc.),some kind of electronic "trace". This information can be accumulated, analyzed, and used for commercial purposes;
- reduction of costs for the organization and support of infrastructure, since in this case there is no need to organize trading halls, offices;
- reduced advertising costs. Advertising on the Internet in some cases is cheaper compared to the mass media, besides the Internet provides more opportunities.
Electronic money and electronic means of payment have managed to successfully take root in the Russian e-commerce market. Taking as a basis the Western electronic money systems tested in action, domestic merchants have created numerous analogues. The development of the market was helped by the widespread access to the Internet and mobile communications in Russia, as well as awareness of the advantages of this payment method.
The Bank of Russia, as well as the central banks of other states, are wary of the development of electronic money. Concerns about the possibility of uncontrolled emission. Although, on the other hand, electronic money has many advantages, including speed and ease of use.
The main obstacle for credit institutions in the development of high-tech innovative projects in this area are:
-"Mobility" of the norms of legislation and the requirements of the regulator (e-commerce as a new type of economic activity of economic entities is at the stage of growth and formation. Its potential has not yet been fully revealed, and each new function, initiative, opportunity must be taken into account by law and controlled by state bodies).
The need to finance developments, the results of which can theoretically be used by competitors. The other side of the same problem is that banks are not very confident in the reliability of service providers (outsourcers).
Most likely, the listed problems of the development of electronic money can be solved either by a long evolutionary path, or by supporting infrastructure projects initiated by the state.
In addition to the problems, there are certainly tempting prospects. Currently, electronic money is considered as an acceptable substitute for cash for micropayments. But by its qualities , electronic money can partially replace or completely displace cash in settlements [71].
The amount that can be stored in an electronic wallet is constantly artificially limited. The reason is that regulators are not sure about the reliability and safety of using such a payment instrument. The risk exists both for users and for the credit institution. In addition, the limits are introduced by law in order to prevent the legalization and laundering of funds obtained by criminal means and financing of terrorism. The interests of the settlement participants operating within the legal framework coincided almost completely. For respectable payers, the simplified identification procedure is already becoming the norm in order to increase the transaction volume limit and ensure the possibility of making payments to individuals, non-resident companies, or government and non-profit organizations. The procedure of full identification of an electronic means of payment is not so widespread yet due to the fact that it requires the personal presence of the client in the office of the EMF operator, or on the territory of its representative office. Not every credit institution can afford to provide step-by-step accessibility of such an identification point for customers. The solution may be cooperation with representatives of the retail market (mobile operator salons, money transfer points, etc.), as well as the prospect of developing the use of EDS (electronic digital signature) .
Electronic money is useful and convenient when making mass payments in small amounts, for example, when paying for transport, payments in cinemas, utility bills, various fines, when making payments on the Internet, etc. The payment process with electronic money is really carried out very quickly, there are no queues, there is no need to give change, money passes from the payer to the recipient instantly.
Electronic money is most correctly compared with cash, and not with non-cash, because when handling non-cash money , the details of both parties are known, and when settlements are made with electronic money, it is enough to know only the details of the recipient. If we compare electronic money with cash, we can note a number of advantages of electronic money:
-no need to pay the change when making a payment;
-high portability – the amount of money is not at all associated with large amounts of money;
- very low cost of issuing electronic money – there is no need to make banknotes, mint coins, etc.;
- no need to physically recalculate money (this function can be performed by a storage tool or a payment instrument);
- simplicity of the organization of physical protection of electronic money;
- fixing the moment of payment by electronic systems;
- the seller's inability to hide funds from taxation when paying through a fiscalized acquiring device;
- electronic money does not require recalculation, packaging, transportation and organization of special storage facilities;
-perfect preservation – electronic money is perfectly preserved over time, i.e. it does not lose its qualities;
-qualitative uniformity – none of the copies of electronic money has any special unique properties;
-security – electronic money is more protected from theft, forgery, change of face value, etc.
It would seem that with such significant advantages, electronic money could have fully coexisted with real money for a long time and be used equally by the population, having received its trust. But electronic money also has disadvantages: there is no well-established legal regulation, many states have not yet defined their unambiguous attitude to electronic money;
- the need for electronic money in special storage tools, circulation;
-in case of physical destruction of the electronic money carrier , it will be impossible for the owner to restore their monetary value;

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