Qafqaz University
18-19 April 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan
[1] AB-nin ağıllı şəhər layihəsinin rəsmi veb səhifəsi - http://www.smart-cities.eu/model.html
[2]IBM şirkətiağıllı şəhərlər tender layihəsi - http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/smarter_cities/overview/
Qafqaz University
n.hajiyev@ictsrcqu.org, eqehremanov@qu.edu.az
Before securing anything (data, data transfer process etc.) we should know the value of it whether it costs for securing
or not. Then we should apply three levels of security:
● data storage security
● data security
● data transmission security
Data storage security is for ensuring security of used technology, we must apply fault tolerant hardware or data storage,
logical partitioning etc. Data security is to enable access of proper users to proper data. Data transmission security stands for
securing data while it is transmitted from one location to another.
We will consider that data and data storage are properly secured and we will discuss data transmission and its security.
To be able to do it appropriately we must know all layers of the process beginning deep in hardware (physical layer) and up
till the software (application layer).
Data is transmitted by electromagnetic signals. It can be microwave, radiowave, infrared or any other type of
electromagnetic signal. Transferred data is either analog or digital and is modulated with several methods. Pulse-code
modulation and source coding can be an example for such methods. The modulation and demodulation (also known as
detection) is done by modem and codec.
Although there exist several communication channels but only two types of them have been researched in our study:
● point to point channels [1], [2]
● multidrop wireless channels [3]
Both in telecommunication and in computer networking point-to-point channels refer to communication between
two nodes and multidrop wireless channels refer to communication between multiple nodes. Both types of channels require
data transmission security according to transmitted data. Transmission security stands for sending a message from one
endpoint to another single endpoint or multiple endpoints in such way that only intended recipients can receive and read it.
It must be also taken into consideration that a message must be protected from alteration or interception. To do so it is
required to use fault tolerant secure channels. We can send message either through secure channel as plaintext or through
open channel as encrypted text. The security of encrypted data usually depends on the secret key that both communicating
parties know. Key management deals with provision and distribution of such secret keys. In multiuser environments, key
distribution is rather a difficult task. Public key cryptography was invented to solve such problems. Public key cryptography
can be applied to provide the security. We plan to show that special purpose ultra-low power hardware implementations of
public key algorithms can be used to provide secure transmission.
Our main aim is to transmit securely between two nodes. In our case those will be to robots. And by applying and
implementing different public key algorithms we will be able to compare the results in the means of speed, power saving
and efficiency of transmission.
[1] Koetter, R.; Effros, M.; Medard, M.A, Theory of Network Equivalence - Part I: Point-to-Point Channels,
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 57, Issue: 2, p: 972-995 2011
[2] Yu Zhang, Dall Anese E., Giannakis G.B., Distributed Optimal Beam formers for Cognitive Radios Robust to
Channel Uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Volume: 60 Issue: 12, p: 6495 - 6508, 2012
[3] Argyriou, A., Network Coding in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs with an Enhanced Channel Access Scheme, Global
Telecommunications Conference, p: 1- 5, 2008