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Tadqiqot natijalarining ishonchliligi

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Sarvinoz МД 24.06.2023

Tadqiqot natijalarining ishonchliligi.
Olingan natijalar kimyoviy va fizik-kimyoviy usullardan foydalanilganligi hamda tajriba-sinov natijalarining ishlab chiqarish amaliyotiga mosligi bilan tasdiqlangan.
Tadqiqot natijalarining ilmiy va amaliy ahamiyati.
Tadqiqot natijalarining ilmiy ahamiyati, Dеhqonobod koni dolomitidan mamlakatimiz iqtisodiyotida import o‘rnini bosa oladigan kimyoviy mahsulotlar - magniy oksid va magniy gidroksidlari hamda suyuq va donodor azot-kalsiyli o‘g‘itlar olishning ilmiy asoslari yaratildi. Magniy gidroksidini dolomitni nitrat kislotasi ishtirokida parchalab olingan eritmasidan gazsimon ammiak bilan nеytrallab olishning ilmiy asosi yaratilganligi bilan izohlanadi.
Tadqiqot natijalarining amaliy ahamiyati Dеhqonobod koni dolomitlaridan magniy gidroksidi va aylanma suyuliklarini suyuq va donodor o‘g‘itlarga qayta ishlash tеxnologiyasini ishlab chiqish, dolomit xomashyosini komplеks qayta ishlash asosida mamlakat ehtiyojlari uchun magniy birikmalari hamda sho‘rlangan tuproqlarga samarali bo‘lgan suyuq va donador azot-kalsiyli o‘g‘itlar ishlab chiqarishga xizmat qiladi.
Ilmiy rahbar: t.f.f.d. PhD ___________ Sh.M.Xujamberdiyev.
Magistratura talabasi: ___________ S .E.Xurramova.


70710101 Master's student of “Chemical technology (chemical technology of inorganic substances)”.

Khurramova Sarvinoz Erkin's daughter
Master's thesis on the topic “Development of technology for obtaining magnesium compounds from local dolomite raw materials”.

Relevance of the dissertation topic. With the development of science and nanotechnology in the world, the demand for various chemical compounds is also increasing. In this regard, magnesium compounds, including magnesium hydroxide, have a special place. Therefore, meeting the industry's demand for magnesium hydroxide is one of the main areas of scientific research of scientists all over the world. Magnesium hydroxide is not only a raw material for obtaining magnesium oxide, but also a raw material for obtaining various magnesium salts from it.
Grounding of the following scientific solutions for processing dolomite into magnesium hydroxide and oxide and circulating solutions into nitrogen fertilizers on a global scale: development of an effective method of extracting magnesium from the composition of nitric acid solution, extraction of magnesium hydroxide from an acidic environment, development of technology for extracting magnesium hydroxide and oxide from dolomites output, it is necessary to process the circulating solution after the extraction of magnesium oxide.
With the development of technologies for processing magnesium-containing raw materials in our republic, measures are being taken to supply the chemical industry with magnesium-containing compounds, as well as the implementation of many scientific research results. In the third direction of the development action strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, it is very important, that is, "the development of high-tech processing industries specializing in the production of finished products with high added value based on deep processing of local raw materials » duties are defined. In this regard, it is particularly important to master the technology of obtaining liquid and granular nitrogen-calcium fertilizers by reprocessing dolomites into magnesium hydroxide and oxide, circulating solutions.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "On the strategy of action in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021", dated 23.2017 PQ-3236 of August "On the program for the development of the chemical industry in 2017-2021", PQ-3983 of October 25, 2018 "Measures for the rapid development of the chemical industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan on ", dated April 3, 2019 No. PQ-4265 "On measures to further reform the chemical industry and increase its investment attractiveness", as well as in other regulatory legal documents related to this activity the results of this dissertation research serve to a certain extent in the implementation of the specified tasks.
Each of the natural mineral resources is huge and has its own character, the composition is completely different from each other. This requires a separate scientific and technological approach to each type of mineral raw materials, as well as finding economically viable ways of processing. The existing technologies known in the world practice are not suitable for processing dolomite from Dehkhanabad deposits, because they are very different from other minerals in terms of their composition and the amount of the main component.
The scientific and technical literature contains geological and mineralogical information on the amount of dolomite in various dolomite deposits of Uzbekistan, and describes its reserves and the possibilities of acid processing. Hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid decomposition processes of various dolomites in Uzbekistan have been studied in detail. Although the possibilities of obtaining various types of defoliants and concentrated phosphorus-retaining fertilizers based on calcium and magnesium salts have been shown, the scientific and technological aspects of obtaining magnesium hydroxide by decomposing dolomites with nitric acid have not been studied at all. no performance data.
The purpose of the research is to develop a technology for obtaining magnesium hydroxide by complex processing of dolomite from the Dehkhanabad mine and at the same time processing sediment circulating solutions.

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