Parent participation preschools schools are founded on the principle that the best education will result from an active partnership among parents, teachers, and children. Since the schools operate as cooperatives, where parents take turns supervising each other’s children in addition to their own, the parents are seen as the “owners” o f the school. Parents are expected to regularly participate at all levels ranging from the administration, operation, and maintenance o f the facility to teaching in the classroom under the guidance of a professional teacher. This participation fosters a strong sense of community, a rich and varied educational curriculum, and a safe and stimulating environment for preschoolers. The curriculum at each school is designed so that children can begin to develop their social, emotional, physical, and academ ic skills in the classroom. The high adult-to-child ratio (1 to 5 ) provides challenging opportunities for the children. The teacher can directly focus on art, science, music, and other projects, often drawing on the talents of parents. Preschoolers are encouraged to pursue their interests, learn from mistakes, and communicate thoughts and feelings through their words. Maktabgacha ta’lim muassasalarida ota-onalarning ishtiroki o‘qituvchi va bolalar uchun ham juda yaxshi natijani olib keladi. Maktablarning qo‘shma boshqaruvidan ota-onalar bir-birining farzandlarini huddi o‘zinikiday his qilishadi. Ota-onalar har bir sohalarda qatnashishi, boshqaruv, tashkiliy ishlar malakali o‘qituvchilar tomonidan qollab-quvvatlanadi. Ushbu qoTlab