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ABSTRACT Azize Guseynova SOME TYPES OF THYME SPREAD ACROSS THE FLOREA OF THE AUTONOMOUS REPUBLIC OF NAKHCHIVAN In the article some information is given about sprreading, systematik, natural conditions,
bioecological and phytocenosis features of some kinds of thyme which spread in the area of the
Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. The main aim of the study is to learn about the amount of
essential oil within thyme, analysis of composition and their effect on helminths which couses serious
illness to agricultural animals. With this intention we explored some kinds of thyme which has first and
foremost, natural resources and a huge area for distribution, in the regions of the area we explored main
fields of thyme kinds with raite, geobotanical plant resources methods. In 2015 we have explored some
field researches in some areas of Shakhbuz, Julfa and Ordubad regions of the Autonomous Republic.
These areas in which we have been to, it is determined two kinds of thyme –Thymus kotschianus Boiss
et Hohen.- kochi thyme and Thymus collinus Bieb. –hilly thyme- have the highest reserve. We took
materials for analysis and herbarium specimens from plants.