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ABSTRACT M.K.Ibraqimov
The progressing and treatment of the ischemic heart disease in the patients inho have
anemia. Lschemik herat disease is neidely spread. Occarding to the temporary labor disability and
numerous death, Ischemic heart disease problems of heart ewen today, anemia occurs in 10-30 %
cases in patents ivho have ischemic heart disease. During anemia myocardial ischemia deepens. The
process of ateroslerosis inhibits the hematopoiesis of bone marrov. Lndeed, anemia and ischemia
complete each other. The necessity of early treatment is created ivhe there is in need of controlling
red blood cells and hemoglobin. The rreetment ivhich carried and on time can pawe the wayto the
prolonging of the life of patient.