MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. AMERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies Volume 01, Issue 06, 2023 ISSN (E): 2993-2157 Priorities of Ensuring Religious Tolerance in Uzbekistan: Problems, Solutions and Prospects Toshpulotov Shokhijakhon Eshpulotovich Lecturer of Tashkent State University of Law, Abstract: Today, in New Uzbekistan, freedom of conscience is fully guaranteed for all citizens
by the world community. In the last decade, a number of positive achievements were made in the
field of interreligious tolerance and interethnic harmony in our country. For instance,
"Enlightenment and religious tolerance" resolution is equally recognized and practiced by all UN
member states and it was initiated by Uzbekistan government, moreover the adoption of the
resolution “Interreligious and intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the context of combating
hate speech” also prepared by Uzbekistan and also 49 states, could be evidence of our opinion.
This article contains priorities, problems, achievements and proposals for ensuring religious
tolerance in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Keywords: international relations and religion, the principle of "religious tolerance", the
guarantee of "Freedom of Conscience", confessions, international organizations, interstate and
interreligious relations, world politics and religion, modern concepts of religious tolerance.
Introduction: The basis of any stable development leans on the harmonious and peaceful living of the members
of the society, the living of the citizens of the country as a single family, regardless of the
nationality and religion. For this, of course, it is acutely relevant the internal environment which
is created in that country, protection from external influences, and at the same time, the current
legislation reflects the consensus-based activities of all nations, peoples, and religious
denominations. The following comments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.
Mirziyoyev on this issue are noteworthy: "In our ancient and generous land, for many centuries
representatives of different nationalities and peoples, cultures and religions have lived
peacefully, hospitality, goodness, generosity of heart, tolerance in the literal sense of the word
have always been characteristic of our people and it is the basis of his mentality".[1]
The idea of national independence: basic concepts and principles textbook mentions the long-
standing existence of the concept of religious tolerance in the territories of Uzbekistan. "For
centuries, the presence of mosques, churches and synagogues in our big cities, and the fact that
people of different nationalities and religions have been freely practicing their religious
practices, is a confirmation of this. The fact that there were no conflicts between them on a
religious basis even in the most complicated and difficult periods of our history indicates that our
people have accumulated great experience in religious tolerance. [2]
Doctor of History N. Mukhamedov admits: "Tolerance, a characteristic characteristic of our
people from time immemorial, did not appear suddenly, it is traditional for us. If we take a brief