Udc 331: 005. 95: 338. 45 doi: 10. 12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-179-185 I. Smyrnova

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improving the personnel management system of an industrial enterprise

Conclusions. The personnel of the enterprise is the 
main object of management, which is first and foremost 
related to the processes that occur in the society in order 
to protect the interests of employees, as well as the in-
creasing role of the human factor in the production pro-
cess. Personnel management is essential for all organi-
zations – large and small, commercial and nonprofit, in-
dustrial, and operating. 
Thus, the conceptual mechanism of industrial en-
terprise personnel management is a complex process 
that attracts all employees of the enterprise to different 
degrees, but with one goal that is effective growth 
throughout (for the enterprise, of course, financial and 
economic growth, and for employees – career-profi- 
table). Considering the financing of personnel manage-
ment and development, we can say that this issue has a 
strong theoretical basis and examples of successful ap-
plication in countries. The peculiarities of financing the 
personnel development management system in compa-
nies depend on numerous micro, meso, macro factors, 
as well as global factors, which necessitates further re-
search in the areas of cost structure determination, ba- 
lancing and targeting. 
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