, K.
Економічний вісник Донбасу № 4(58), 2019
doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-179-185
PhD (Economics),
ORCID 0000-0002-6941-1276,
Donbass State Machine Building Academy, Kramatorsk
Formulation of the problem. At present, the basic
component of enterprise personnel management is to
create the conditions for the expansion of knowledge,
of skills, improvement of skills and con-
tinuous development of employees. Increasing the role
of knowledge in society, the development of smart, in-
telligent technologies require flexible and adaptive use
of human
resources of the enterprise, increasing the cre-
ative and organizational activity of employees, the for-
mation of a humanized organizational culture.
In the context of market relations, the introduction
into the production of new technologies of particular im-
portance are acquired by adequate
methods of personnel
development management, which are based on progres-
sive approaches to expanding its competencies. Consi-
dering this, in modern production there are problems of
modernization of classical systems of management of
personnel and introduction of new models of manage-
ment, oriented on continuous development of intellec-
tual, cultural and creative potential
of employees of en-
terprises and organizations.
Analysis of recent research and publications.
Problems of personnel management systems as one of
the most important strategic directions of work of enter-
prises are constantly attracting the attention of econo-
mists. Thus, foreign scientists I. Ansoff, P. Drucker,
G. Kunz, M. Mescon, T. Peters, and G. Simon made a
significant contribution to the development of the theory
of personnel management.
A. Smith explained the
differentiation in wages of
skilled and unskilled workers through difference in
time, labor and cash costs incurred by the first to obtain
the necessary knowledge, skills, and mastery [1].
This paper is devoted to a large number of works
of foreign and domestic authors,
the analysis of which
shows the diversity of existing approaches and methods.
Such Western economists as V. Petty, A. Smith, J. Sey,
S. Fisher, L. Valras, Sidgwick, G. Becker [2], T. Schultz
[3], I. Ilyinsky [4], when considering the issue of invest-
ment in human capital, give special attention to in-
vestment in the capital education.
The first measurement
pattern to estimate the value of an able-bodied person,
used by V. Petty, assesses the value of the stock of hu-
man capital by capitalization of earnings as a life
annuity with a market interest rate [5].
Among domestic researchers, these issues were
considered by L. Balabanov, D. Bohin, O. Grishnova,
L. Goroshkova, V. Danyuk, A. Kolot, I. Kryzhko,
A. Cherep, L. Chervinskaya,
who analyzed theoretical
and applied aspects of personnel management. at enter-
prises of different industries. However, due to the com-
plexity of the problem in the current context, some is-
sues are not adequately addressed or need to be detailed,
especially in the face of a constant change in the market.
The purpose of the article
is to identify the prob-
lems of personnel management and the impact of the ef-
fectiveness of the personnel management system on the
sustainable development of the enterprise.