CHAPTER II. A study of the phenomenon of hyponomy in lexical and
semantic relations.
2.1. The features of the phenomenon of hyponomy in the lexical layer.
We know that in our rapidly changing world all branches are being
developed day by day without stoping and with quickness. It is good for us and for
increasing the level of knowledge for new comers to high education systems.
Especially, the chances for youths are given more and more with increasing the
level of quality of education and teacher’s respobsibility and their capability by
retrain them in extra education programm, also giving them several grands for
taking and gaining new knowledge about their profession and improve their
experience through teaching in forign high developed countries. I think that these
kind of opportunities are more important for teachers and education system.
Moreover the attention to learning forign languages is increasing among the
youngs, so that our government try to create more chances for all studied people in
educations system. Therefore, significantly great efforts and funds are directed at
the comprehensive developments of education system, training and improving of
qualifiying personnel in Uzbekistan. In addition to this, several qualitativ changes
are taking place in our systems of preschool, school and high education as well as
after high education such as research institutions.
In this place, I want to mention that “If you do not change the teaching
methodology in schools, neither the quality of education, nor the content, nor the
environment will change,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
This period which demands
us to think as out of the box that means unsual way. Cause, thinking as unsual
gives to be winner in the world in any branches.
In this position, as we must feel and know it how is vital as water and air
that the bright future connected with children is extremely important for our
country and its developmet. Particulary the President of Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoev’s noteworthy speech at the UN Assembly is given, it will be
Mirziyoev Sh. Congratulation for youth of Uzbekistan, on the holiday “Youth Day”. Tashkent. June 3. 2022
proper opinion. “The future of our planet depends on how our children grow up
and become human,” he said
. This kind of motivations and support by our head
of state and government give the sense of confidense for our nation in their future
in our society.
Apart from that, learning English and increasing the interest in it among
Uzbek youths will give a big opportunity to widen horizon, exchange opinions
with forigner students and gain new world experience. This means that all
opportunities for young generations. As a clear for this, we can be witness the
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s congratulation for the youth of Uzbekistan on
holiday. “The knowledge and energy of our youth today endlessly please me.
That's how it should be. Because the blood of great ancestors flows in your veins.
Our history goes back not thirty-one years, but three millennia. Our ancestors laid
the foundation for two renaissances. Now we are going to build the foundation of
the Third Renaissance. Who do we rely on? On you. Our most important support,
in this case, is education”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
Yes our president thinkin
way is really correct and extremely important about the future of our country and
the future of the youth, so that the young generation is considered our foundation
for new waited life.
Taking into consideration the importance of leaning forign languages,
researching of of them also will be beneficial. In this dissertation, I will try to gain
more knowledge about my theme and the linguistic features of language.
In learning and researching process knowing about language sections will be
useful for researchers to understand all clear and describe with more examples. In
my dissertion work is connected with linguistic branches of the language such as:
lexicology, semantics and so on.
In this chapter belongs to semantics and lexical layer of the language.
Firstly, I want illustrate with its theoritical explanations of plan. We know that in
researching any language , its branches play more importan role. Lexicology is the
Mirziyoev Sh.M. Appeal to the Oliy Majlis. 19.29.2020
Shavkat Mirziyoev’s congratulation for youth of Uzbekistan, on the holiday “Youth Day”. Tashkent. June 3. 2022
branch of linguistics that analyzes the lexicon of a specific language. In this
branch a word is considered the smallest meaningful unit of a language that can
stand on its own, and is made up of small components called morphemes and even
smaller elements known as phonemes, or distinguishing sounds. We can learn or
examine every feature of a word – including formation, spelling, origin, usage, and
definition through lexical layer of the word.
The subfield of semantics that pertains especially to lexicological work is
called lexical semantics. In brief, lexical semantics contemplates the significance
of words and their meanings through several lenses, including synonymy,
antonymy, hyponymy, and polysemy, among others. Semantic analysis of lexical
material may involve both the contextualization of the word(s) and syntactic
ambiguity. Semasiology and onomasiology are relevant linguistic disciplines
associated with lexical semantics.
Related to the concept of hyponymy, but more
loosely defined, is the notion of a lexical field. A lexical field denotes a segment of
reality symbolized by a set of related words. The words in a semantic field share a
common semantic property. Most often, fields are defined by subject matter, such
as body parts, landforms, diseases, colors, foods, or kinship relations. Internally,
these may be organized as a hierarchy (e.g., royalty, military ranks), as a
meronymy (e.g., body parts), as a sequence (e.g., numbers), or or as a cycle (e.g.,
days of the week, months of the year), as well as with no discernible order. A
thesaurus is generally organized according to substantive fields (although it also
makes use of hyponymy and synonymy).
The words which are part of a lexical field enter into sense or meaning
relationships with one another. Each word delimits the meaning of the next word in
the field and is delimited by it; that is, it marks off an area or range within the
semantic domain. However, there may be a fair amount of overlap in meaning
between words in a domain, and it is often difficult to find mutually delimiting
terms. Within a domain, some words are marked, while some are unmarked; the
unmarked members are more frequent, more basic, broader in meaning, easier to
learn and remember, not metaphorical, and typically one morpheme or single
lexical item. The marked members often consist of more than one lexical item and
may denote a subtype of the unmarked member.
Let's consider some examples of lexical fields. The field of “parts of the face”
is a substantive field of part to whole. Terms within the field are arranged spatially
and quite clearly delimited, though there is some overlap between terms such
as forehead and temple. Terms such as bridge of the nose or eyelids would
constitute marked members of the field.
The field of “stages of life” is arranged sequentially, though there is
considerable overlap between terms (e.g., child, toddler) as well as some apparent
gaps (e.g., there are no simple terms for the different stages of adulthood). Note
that a term such a minor or juvenile belongs to a technical register, a term such as
given for example kid or tot to a colloquial register, and a term such
as sexagenarian or octogenarian to a more formal register.
In the lexical field, hyponymia can also be manifested on several levels, if
hyperonyms are hyponyms, the hyperonym itself can be considered its hyponymus
under the term superordinate, which is another step above. For example, creatures,
birds, insects, animals. These hyponims themselves also have hyperonyms as
hyperonyms. For example, insects - worms, ants, flies, mosquitoes and so on.
Although interaction is at the heart of lexical structure theory, there is also
scientific debate about its lexical relationship. That is, the relationship between
words is reflected not through a lexical relationship but through a semantic
relationship. The system-semantic relationship between a hyponym and a
hyperonym exists not only within the elements of the hyponymic microsystem, but
also between the words in the lexical structure of the language that make up the
whole system. One such peculiarity is the semantic relationship of hyperonyms and
hyponyms within the elements of hypero-hyponymic paradigms in the English
lexical system. Under the terms hyponimy and hypero-hyponymic series of words,
we understand a series of words, lexical paradigms that serve to express the
gender-species relationship in an objective being in terms of meaning. The
hyponymic sequence of words is: a) hyperonym; b) consists of hyponim. A
hyperonym is a lexical unit that manifests itself as the central word, the dominant,
of a microsystem that semantically generalizes many meanings that represent the
name of an object denoting a gender sign. A hyponym is a lexical unit that is
semantically rich relative to a hyperonym, which represents the names of certain
species and includes a word that expresses the meaning of gender in its semantic
structure. It is obviously clear that lexical elements include lexical and syntactic
categories, i.e., information about form and meaning. According to these
categories, lexical elements are represented in the lexicon of semantics. According
to the semantic classification, a lexical unit depends on the meaning which it can
be expressed, as well lexical units have the property of interconnectedness. Some
relationships in a lexical unit consist of hyponym, hyperonym, synonym, antonym,
and homonym. The hyponomic relationship and a hyperonym is a relationship
between a general and a specific (thematic) term that represents the term
hyponymy. For example, the words "red", "yellow", "green", and "blue" are
hypononyms of the hyperonym "color". Lexical semantics is one of the main
directions of linguistics in which the significance of a word is studied
systematically. In lexical semantics, two main issues are addressed: a) the
expression of the denotation of the word, b) the expression of the variability of the
idea or concept of the word, which varies between contexts. These two concepts
are inextricably linked, in which variation and interpretation act the most
extremely vital role in the adequate (appropriate) expression of the meaning of a
word. Contextual variability is evident in both of the above directions.
In the
Uzbek linguistics, a number of studies have been conducted in the field of
studying the language as a whole. The basics of the system lexicology have been
reflected in a number of scientific studies carried out in different periods of
science development. Therefore, in her scientific findings prof. R.Safarova
Jamila Sharipovna Djumabaeva, Nodira Karimbaevna Sabirova,” The study of hyponymic taxonomy in English
linguistics and the lexical and semantic relations of hyponymy”. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online,
2020; 19 (4): -P. 870-878 doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2020.04.195
divided the ways of system lexicology development in the Uzbek language into
the following phases:
a) The first phase. The difference between word and lexeme, the semes and the
ways of separating them into the main parts , and reflects on exploring semantic
structure of some word pairs.
b) The second phase. The development stage of system lexicology is
characterized by combining words into thematic and lexical-semantic groups and
studying meaning by dividing it into component parts. Nowadays, the principles
and fundamentals of system linguistics, system lexicology namely researching
lexical units by grouping into lexical-semantic groups were developed in the
lexicology of the Uzbek language. The same lexical paradigms, and lexical
paradigms have been identified as lexical-semantic groups in the lexicology of the
system. Relying on this principle mainly lexical paradigms formed by
synonymous senses, a group of words with antonymic meaning, a various
thematic and lexical-semantic lines, lexical paradigms were the source of research
as particular lexical-semantic groups in the system lexicology.
In adition to this information there is given informartions about hyponyms
and it origins, features and other particularities of it in linguistics and lexicography
a hyponym means that “under name” in greek language that is defined as a word,
vocabularies, lexical units or phrase which semantic branch is included within that
of another word, its hyperonym or hypernym is expressed the “over name” in
Greek. In common terms, a hyponomic unit shares a type of relationship with its
hypernymic units. For instance, columbidae, parrot, hummingbird, woodpecker,
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